
I am spending every minute of the day working to protect you and your families, ensure you get support during these difficult times, and make sure our government is one that works for you — not corporations, not wealthy billionaires, not right-wing special interests — you.

You are a big reason why I’m even able to do that. Let me explain:

Our end-of-month fundraising deadline is in exactly one week and my team is able to raise the money we need thanks to grassroots donors like you.

That means I can focus all of my time on what I was elected to do in Washington — and help Democrats win Georgia’s Senate runoffs so we can take back the majority.

According to my finance folks, we’re pacing slightly behind our fundraising goal. If we can’t catch up before the holiday weekend, I’ll have to dial up the phones and lose some quality time out on the campaign trail. So, I’m asking:

Can you pitch in $10 or more to help my team reach our incredibly important goal on Monday? Every dollar you give helps power my work in the Senate to get our government back on track.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Look, most people in my position don’t have an incredible team like this they can count on. I’m so grateful to have you by my side as we take on the tough fights.

Thank you for everything,
