Dear Friends in Mission, The year 2020 has been one of great challenges and changes. In the midst of this upheaval, one thing has remained constant: Missio Dei, God’s mission. Our work continues as well for abundant health for all, disaster response and recovery, the work of missionaries around the world and evangelism and church revitalization. This is why we ask for your participation in the GIVE LOVE campaign November 1–December 31. We need your help to give love, joy, hope and peace to those who need it the most—in our neighborhood, in our state and across the globe. There are several ways to participate in the GIVE LOVE campaign: through prayer, social media posts and monetary gifts. Visit to see how your donation impacts lives, and while you are there read stories of the transformational work happening through Global Ministries and UMCOR. This is a great time for the church to further God’s mission and join with others to GIVE LOVE in a season of need. Together we can make a difference. In Christ,