
In the more than two decades I have fought for victims of gun violence in courts across the country with the Brady legal team, we’ve won during NRA-friendly administrations, before hostile judges, and in every part of the country. But with an incoming Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration, I have never been more hopeful for what we can accomplish.

Let me brag on Brady’s Legal team for a minute. We’ve fought like hell these past four years. Even during the Trump years, a hostile federal government and increasingly conservative judges didn’t stop us from accomplishing some of our most important work ever. This year alone, we filed or joined nine new high-impact cases, and won numerous precedents and settlements that helped stop dangerous gun industry practices and support strong gun laws. Now, imagine what we can accomplish in January, when we will be supported by a Biden-Harris administration.

The Biden administration will enter the White House with the strongest gun violence prevention agenda of any incoming administration — including a promise to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (“PLCAA”), which gives the gun industry unique and unprecedented protection from civil liability. Plus, they have the ability to enact vital, life-saving Executive Actions in their first 100 days in office. With the strongest, most effective team at Brady in our history, working with the strongest gun violence prevention President, we can accomplish more than ever. But we need you with us. 

So I’m personally asking, John: Will you endorse Brady’s First 100 Days of Action plan for the Biden-Harris administration so we can pass common-sense gun safety reforms, save lives, and finally end America’s gun violence epidemic? >>

Every day, I’m thankful for the privilege I’ve had for over 20 years to work with Brady Legal and argue in courts across the country on behalf of gun violence victims to stop the flow of crime guns, to make guns safer, to strike down dangerous laws and support life-saving ones. I am eager to get to work and hit the ground running with the Biden-Harris administration. Together, I know that we can finally address gun violence in 2021 and beyond.


Jon Lowy
Chief Counsel and Vice President of Legal