Hi John, 

The turkey rescue is happening right now! I’m with a small team of activists in Moroni, Utah where 14 turkeys are being released to us from a factory farm. We’re giving these sweet birds health checks and then driving them to loving homes at animal sanctuaries. This is the moment their lives change forever.

Join the rescue online here!

Most people don’t know how intelligent and social turkeys are. In fact, most people don’t know much about turkeys at all, like how they can fly at high speeds up to 55 miles per hour in the wild or how their eyesight is 3 times better than ours! 

I feel blessed that I get to live with 24 turkeys at my sanctuary, Happy Hen Animal Sanctuary. Some of them are holiday survivors rescued from slaughter by DxE activists in previous years around Thanksgiving. I’m thankful to you for making these rescues possible.

If you’re able to donate at this time, any amount helps us continue to save lives.

Thank you for fighting for a better world for turkeys and all animals.  


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