Dear John,
First things first…THANK YOU!
Thank you for reading People’s World and the news we bring you from a worker’s point of view. Thank you for reading People’s World to find information and analysis the mainstream media doesn’t cover.
And thank you for giving us at People’s World the freedom to report interesting and unique stories. Let me give you an example:
As your Washington Bureau Chief, People’s World gives me wide latitude on issues, topics, and controversies to report on. Politics, economics, mass movements, the coronavirus, workers and their allies, history, and more.
So I was especially gratified to write the story about newly declassified internal Nixon regime memos showing the then-president and his top foreign policy aide, Henry Kissinger, plotted literally from the day Marxist Salvador Allende was inaugurated president of Chile on how to oust him. You can find the story here: Newly revealed documents show Nixon and Kissinger plotted Allende overthrow from day one.
You won’t find that anywhere else. Nor will you find the story about former Labor Secretary Robert Reich saying U.S.-style capitalism—not just Donald Trump—is a threat to democracy.
Nor will you find stories about the mass workers movement that has helped unseat Trump. We’ve had more than 800 stories covering the 2020 campaign.
But just as we depend on you to read our stories, we also depend on you to support us.
You may have noticed, if you regularly surf the Internet, that other websites are flanked by, and sometimes drowned in, advertising. That dependence on ad revenue often controls those sites’ content, especially if they’re news sites.
There are no ads, in the traditional sense, on the People’s World site. But there is our request for your donations and subscriptions. Which is why I’m writing to you. We can’t keep going without you. We need not just your eyes, but your dollars.
So I’m asking you to become a sustaining member, also known as a paid subscriber, for a nominal sum, today. Just go to the top of the People’s World website, and hit the “Donate” button, then follow the prompts. Or just click right here on this sentence.
And if you can’t become a sustainer, we’ll gladly welcome one-time contributions, too.
That way, our dedicated, inquisitive, professional—but small—staff can keep writing interesting and informative stories for you.
By the way, I have two personal “links” to that Allende story…I’ll let you figure them out.
In Solidarity,
Mark Gruenberg
Washington Bureau Chief
People’s World