Dear John,
Y’all, what a year. With everything our world, our country, and our LGBTQ community has endured in 2020, I want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for all the ways you supported us during a year of such grief and turmoil.
As we get ready for the holidays and Giving Tuesday on December 1, I am taking stock of what I am grateful for. While sourdough bread making ranks high on the list, so do our members across the country who have continued to defend and protect LGBTQ people.
Despite unimaginable hurdles, state-based members across the country quickly shifted to providing for those impacted by COVID-19 while still securing protections for LGBTQ people. From Alaska to Kentucky to Georgia, more LGBTQ people are now protected from discrimination, the harms of conversion therapy, and barriers to health care in the communities they call home.
I could not be more proud to work alongside the leaders in the state-based movement. I hope you will join me in showing your gratitude for the progress made in the states on Giving Tuesday, December 1. On Giving Tuesday we come together to show our commitment to fight for, and protect, the most marginalized in our community. Your Giving Tuesday dollars will position us to support important victories in the months and years ahead.
I hope you’ll join us.

Fran Hutchins
Deputy Director
Equality Federation