Our panel will feature Rachel Zellars, Lawyer and assistant professor at Saint Mary's University, Aseefa Sarang, Executive Director of Across Boundaries, and Audrey Huntley, filmmaker and co-founder of "No More Silence". Kai Cheng Thom, writer, performer, meditation teacher and community worker, will moderate the discussion.
This panel will attempt to re-imagine what safety, accountability and justice could look like outside of the traditional criminal justice system. These speakers will unpack what calls to defund the police could mean for survivors of sexual and gendered violence. They will discuss the possible role of community action – as opposed to police, government and traditional legal actors – in responding to the needs of women, girls and all those who experience gender-based violence.
The funds raised through LEAF's Personhood Speaker Series will continue to support our work to advance substantive equality rights in Canada through litigation, law reform and education.
For more information about LEAF’s Personhood Speaker Series, please contact Megan Cameron at 416.595.7170 x2004 or [email protected].