Dear John,
Rush your signature to the BLM. Stop it from selling off Colorado’s public lands to Big Oil!
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to offer thousands of acres of land in Colorado for oil and gas drilling -- and we only have a few weeks to stop it! Protect Colorado’s public lands.
The sale of our public lands threatens to pollute rivers and contribute to air pollution. And it could push wildlife like elk, mule deer and the Greater Sage Grouse closer to extinction.
John, we can’t let the BLM get away with handing over our wild places to the fossil fuel industry. But the agency won’t stop this lease sale unless concerned activists like you make noise.
25,000 Signatures still needed: Stop public lands from being sold to Big Oil. Protect wildlife in Colorado from extinction.
If the BLM advances the lease sale in Colorado, the habitat of the endangered Greater Sage Grouse will be filled with drillers and oil rigs. This will risk irreparably harming some of this iconic bird’s last remaining habitat.
Fossil fuel expansion in Colorado could also destroy the habitats of elk, mule deer, pronghorn, waterfowl, and ferruginous hawks.
What’s more, oil and gas drilling threatens to pollute groundwater. Groundwater is a critical resource that supplies many communities, especially rural ones, with drinking water.
In short, the BLM’s proposed lease sale would only benefit Big Oil and Gas while harming public lands that people and wildlife rely on.
Tell the Bureau of Land Management to keep Big Oil away from public lands!
The BLM plans to lease over 100,000 acres of land in Colorado to the highest Big Oil bidder. The only way for the public to weigh in is to comment online -- but Colorado ranks 25th in the nation when it comes to broadband internet access.
In other words, the BLM’s process is cutting out the people who will be most impacted by oil and gas drilling in Colorado.
The BLM needs to allow all voices to be heard and stop leasing public lands. The agency owes it to the people, wildlife, and future generations. But it won’t stop the lease sale unless it hears from you, John.
Demand the BLM put people over Big Oil and Gas profits!
Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth