DATE: November 23, 2020
CONTACT: Jason Savage ([email protected])

Maine GOP Joins the 50 State Georgia Battleground Fund

AUGUSTA, ME-- Maine Republican Party Chair, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, issued the following statement regarding Maine joining the 50 State Georgia Battleground Fund:

"Here in Maine we fought hard to ensure Senator Susan Collins was re-elected. By doing so, Maine played a massive role in protecting the Republican majority in the Senate, but our work is not done yet," said Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. "The Maine GOP is dedicated to building and maintaining majorities both in Maine and D.C. and we are proud to be a partner in winning the U.S. Senate races in Georgia."

"As we saw first-hand in Maine, D.C. Democrats will spare no expense for their candidates. Now that their failed investments in poor candidates like Sara Gideon have fizzled out, they have set their sights on Georgia. We held the line in Maine, and have shifted our focus to Georgia, where we are deploying key staff and resources to keep Georgia and the Senate red."

"Our office is being flooded with phone calls from Kittery to Fort Kent with Mainers asking how they can assist Republicans in Georgia. For those looking to make a direct impact, please join us in donating to the Georgia Battleground Fund."

"While D.C. Democrats continue to burn hundreds of millions on races throughout the country in an attempt to buy seats, we wanted to remind them once again: Maine can not be bought. Georgia can not be bought. The U.S. Senate can not be bought, and we will always hold the line against the radical left."