September 18th, 2019
Listen To Today's Podcast:
In this episode, I address the real reasons behind the impeachment theater led by the hapless Jerry Nadler and the outstanding appearance by Cory Lewandowski on the Hill. I also address the latest liberal gun grab efforts and the continued use of the faulty Australian model for “gun control.” Finally, I address the growing Ilhan Omar scandal and the vaping controversy.
Prominent Democratic Donor Charged with 'Operating a Drug House' Following Two Deaths and an Overdose
A well known friend and generous Hollywood donor of the Democratic Party, Ed Buck, may finally be seeing repercussions for his behavior leaving two men dead and one surviving a drug overdose. According to Fox News, Buck was “arrested Tuesday and charged with operating a drug house after a third man reportedly suffered an overdose…
Whistleblower Finds Facebook Auto-Generating Pages for ISIS and Al Qaeda
Facebook has found itself at the center of many controversies, whether it be censorship of conservatives or violation of privacy rights to name a few. A whistleblower has come forward to reveal what may be the worst act yet. The Associated Press reports that while Facebook: Likes to say that its automated systems remove…
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991