Dear John,
I know you'll be encouraged by Deanna's words below:
“Major was a fighter. He fought to get here... I was back and forth [to the hospital] because he kept trying to come early. My body was going through so many changes. My blood pressure stayed high. I was depressed because I was pregnant and not married. I was so hard on myself thinking people would judge me.
And some did. But God always got the last say-so. Major fought through my whole pregnancy. At times, I would just pray and cry, but God kept me, and I am forever grateful. I wouldn’t know what life would be like without Major, and I’m so glad I don’t have to find out.
This you the courage, love and help and diapers, etc., when you need it...
Because of the help, my child is here. He is with me. I would’ve missed all this.”
Each day, our dedicated team at Human Coalition celebrates the birth of children just like Major—children who deserve a chance to live.

Because of heroes like you, we are able to rescue these children from the deadly grip of abortion.
At Human Coalition, we believe in the sacredness and divine value of every human life.
That is why we’re working hard every single day to build a National Rescue System that will rescue preborn children who are in danger of being killed by Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.
But we can’t do it without supporters like you who share our belief in the sacredness of life. Since June 2010, we have rescued 13,780 children because of partners like you!
We are so thankful for each life rescued. When we look into the eyes of little Major and hear his laughter, we are reminded of why our work is so important.
But we still have so far to go.
In order to rescue more children who are in danger of being aborted, we need your help.
More children like Major need your help today.
Thanks to a generous family of donors, you can have an even greater impact when you give in the month of September.
Every dollar donated this month will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000.
This means every dollar you give by September 30, up to $100,000, will be stretched twice as far, rescuing even more children from abortion.
Your gift will help a child like Major experience the gift of life.

Will you give today, John, doubling the impact of your gift and rescuing more children like Major?
Thank you, and God bless,
Brian Fisher,
Yes, I will rescue more children today! →