Dear Partners, 

Please join us on Tuesday, September 24th from 2:00-3:00 pm EDT for a webinar about innovative state policies to make health coverage and care more affordable. 

Register for the webinar here


Although the Affordable Care Act makes coverage more affordable for millions and expands access across the country, there is still work to be done. Millions still find health coverage too expensive, and once insured, deductibles and cost-sharing often price care out of reach.

On this webinar, we will be joined by innovators from across the states who have identified new ways to bring down the cost of coverage and care for consumers. Join us to learn about strategies your state could apply to make coverage and care within reach for more people. 

Featured speakers include
  • John-Pierre Cardenas, Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, who will describe a new proposal to provide additional subsidies for young adults
  • Ray Castro, New Jersey Policy Perspective, who will discuss efforts in his state to transition from a federal marketplace to a state-run marketplace and to cover all kids, regardless of immigration status, as well as other policy reforms
  • Adrienne W. Mendoza, Harris Health System and Melissa McChesney, Center for Public Policy Priorities, who will discuss how one large Texas county redirects hospital uncompensated care dollars to supplement premium tax credits
  • Stan Dorn, Families USA, who will describe an innovative approach to lower cost-sharing for moderate-income people
We hope you can join us for this important webinar!

Thank you, 

Claire McAndrew, 
Director of Campaigns and Partnerships 
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