Weekly transmissions from Adbusters, the journal of the mental environment
Adbusters Website - #BuyNothingDay
Hey Jammer,
It's no secret that Big Oil is among the biggest and dirtiest of players in the influence business. The five largest fossil-fuels companies alone spend roughly $200 million a year on lobbying to stymie policies intended to combat climate-change, according to InfluenceMap. And in the digital era, more and more of these lobbying dollars are going towards funding social-media campaigns to misinform voters and disrupt climate action.

But then there is FTI Consulting. Under the guise of mom-and-pop support for the fossil-fuels industry, the firm "helped design, staff and run organizations and websites funded by energy companies," as reported by the New York Times. FTI employees, obscuring their ties to the firm, wrote for pro-industry websites, ran deceptive-social media campaigns, posed as grassroots organizers, and even surveilled climate activists — all on the dime of the likes of Exxon.

FTI is just one of many political-strategy and public-relations firms intent on propping up Big Oil and distorting the truth about the warming climate. But by bringing down FTI, we can start to take action against these mercenary crooks.

FTI has offices in 28 countries. Go (safely) to the one nearest you and smother it with the #Blackspot, the symbol of resistance to corporate tyranny. Let FTI and their ilk know that We, the People will not put up with their lying, their greed, and their bowing before the princes of Big Oil — the most outrageous of corporate criminals.

It's time we gag the oil industry's enabling stooges. Take down the deceivers: smear FTI's headquarters with the sign of the #Blackspot.
Then, give a gift subscription to a friend at 50% off.
Three pillars of capitalism.
Will autocracy die or thrive?
Organic hemp. Vegan leather. Recycled-tire soles.
For the Wild,
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