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CORRUPT Chicago Dominion: Dem-Socialist David Orr Illegally Gave DOMINION $32 Million Contract Breaking State Rules
David Orr is an Illinois socialist. He has been Cook County Clerk since 1991. He is the chief election authority for suburban Cook County, the third largest election jurisdiction in the country.


David Orr has been close to ...

“KRAKEN” is a CIA Hacking Program
Developing story.…..standby for updates.

Kraken is a Department of Defense cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions of other nations & enemies.

#Breaking #BreakingNews ...

Nevada Election Issues: Washoe County, Clark County Are Counting DUPLICATE Voters, Contested Ballots, Unregistered Voters
From Systems IT and Data Integrity specialist did this study after reading of Nevada's corrupted numbers.

“All sources are listed all data should be available at the links.”

Bottom line, up front they are counting duplicated ...

LOOK Who Owns Dominion Voting Systems: Politically Motivated PRIVATE Equity NY Hedge Fund
Staple Street owns Dominion and is a relatively small private equity company, who has not raised capital or  had substantial new investors since 2014/2015 of about $200 million. But now after a rushed Delaware Corp., filing October 5, 2020, Staple ...

Dominion Radicals: Screenshots of Their Scrubbed LinkedIn Accounts
GR reader has done some research on Dominion. Let's have a look at two employees among the Dominion insurgents who hijacked the election. These screenshots were taken before Dominion panicked and shutdown their LinkedIn sites.

Why would most ...

On its Arabic Website, New York City Islamic Foundation Calls for the Killing of Those who Insult Muhammad
The beheading of the French teacher Samuel Paty for showing a Muhammad cartoon in his class on the freedom of expression has shocked the world and galvanized France, which up to now has been notably supine in its response to jihad terror, into ...

Team Trump Counsel Powell: Georgia Gov Kemp, Sec. of State Took Bribes From Dominion, “Georgia is probably going to be the first state I’m going to blow up ..”
Sidney Powell: Georgia's probably gonna be the first state I'm going to blow up and Mr. Kemp and the Secretary of State need to go with it because they're in on the Dominion scam what with their last minute purchase or award of a contract at ...

Dominion Voting Systems shared office with “Soros entities”
Not surprising. But it would be surprising if the black hand of Soros were not involved.

WATCH: Trump lawyer mentions Dominion Voting Systems shared office with “Soros entities”

By Rebel News, November 19, 2020:

One of the lawyers ...

U.S. Frees Pollard, Free To Travel To Israel
What happened to Jonathan Pollard was a tragedy. Pollard is now free to live in Israel, thanks to President Trump. The Jewish people will never see the likes of President Trump again.

“Given the high profile nature of Pollard’s case, it is ...

Chevron Deal With Noble Energy: One More Nail In BDS (Boycott Jews) Coffin (Part One)
The anti-Israel BDS (Boycott-Divest-Sanction) movement attracts noisy support on American campuses. It has managed to shout down, or keep from being invited to appear in the first place, pro-Israel speakers. Its victories consist mainly in limiting ...
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