Team, the peaceful transition of power has long been a bedrock of American democracy.

Not many people know about the General Services Administration (GSA), but it’s the federal agency responsible for overseeing the formal transition process between presidential administrations. Two weeks have passed since Joe Biden became the President-elect, but the Trump-appointed official who leads the GSA is refusing to recognize Joe Biden’s victory and begin the transition of power.

Will you join Cory in calling on GSA Administrator Emily Murphy to immediately authorize the transition process to begin? Sign your name here.

The consequences of Administrator Murphy’s actions have serious implications. President-elect Biden and his team aren’t being given access to classified intelligence briefings about national security threats and military operations. They can’t communicate with federal agencies about pressing matters such as the COVID-19 vaccine. They also aren’t receiving millions in federal dollars they’re entitled to so they can begin hiring staff.

This delay is simply unacceptable. President-elect Biden and his team need all of the resources and information possible so that they can be ready to lead on Day One. Especially in a crisis of this magnitude, every minute counts. Each passing day that the Trump administration refuses to begin the transition puts our nation’s health and security at risk.

In this moral moment, all of us need to speak out and make our voices heard. Please add your name right now to demand that Administrator Murphy start the transition process.

Despite Donald Trump’s lies and misinformation, Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. It’s way past time for this administration to start letting him and his team get to work.

— Booker HQ