How Many Democrats Think Gun-Owning Americans are Terrorists?
The Daily Caller
American gun owners potential domestic terrorists? The San Francisco Board
of Supervisors passed a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association
“a domestic terrorist organization.” They blame the “epidemic of gun
violence” in part on the NRA, which they accuse of using “its
considerable wealth and organization strength to promote gun ownership and
incite gun owners to acts of violence.”
Watch Sues DOJ for Docs On FBI/CIA Informant in Trump Organization
Judicial Watch
The Mueller report mentions Sater more than 100 times but
fails to mention that he was an active undercover informant for the FBI/CIA
for more than two decades. In 2017, Sater was the subject of two interviews
conducted under a proffer agreement with Mueller’s office according to
page 69, footnote 304 of Mueller’s report on his Russian collusion
Watch Sues for Documents on Deleted Bruce and Nellie Ohr Emails
Judicial Watch
In June,
Judicial Watch uncovered documents showing the removal of Bruce
Ohr from the position of Associate Attorney General in 2017; his transfer
from Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force to International Affairs
in 2018; and that Ohr received a total of $42,520 in performance bonuses
during the Trump/Russia investigation. Ohr’s bonus nearly doubled from
$14,520 (received in November 2015) to $28,000 in November 2016.
A federal court ruled that Hillary
Clinton has until Monday to file any opposition to @JudicialWatch's request
to question her under oath about her emails and Benghazi...
6:19 AM - 18 Sep 2019
Whenever you hear the word
"impeachment," I want you to substitute another word -- "coup"!
@RealDonaldTrump @JudicialWatch
6:23 AM - 18 Sep 2019