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Republican governors had HUGE success in 2020. It is clear our country needs the strong result driven leadership that GOP governors bring to their states.

NOW -- they need to know what is most important to you. Will you take a moment to fill out our 2021 priorities survey?

We need Republican governors speaking up for us now more than ever. It is clear that Biden and the Democrats have plans that will destroy our country.

Their socialist agenda will bankrupt our businesses, destroy local economies, and drastically increase taxes. Republican governors are doing everything they can to put a STOP to Biden’s radical agenda.

Help GOP governors FIGHT BACK against Biden’s radical agenda by filling out our new 2021 priorities survey.

Republican governors are working for you, they are working to protect your jobs, your livelihood, and your interests. Don’t miss this opportunity to let them know what is important to you in 2021.

Thank you,

Republican Governors Association 

Paid for by the Republican Governors Association. Contributions to the Republican Governors Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

1747 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 250, Washington, DC 20006

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