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Liberal Socialists To Seize Power And Kill Freedom

Unbelievable! Families are digging in, buying guns, munitions, and storing up food, but Good Patriots like you, are taking the offensive.

  • You know it’s coming! If Socialists win, they will unleash 3 Powerful Weapons to kill American Freedom, but if they lose all Hell will break loose with unlimited neighborhood warfare, fires, looting and open street combat.

You have seen their test run in our burned out cities!

  • Weapon 1 – Gun Grabbing. With control of the House, Senate and White House the Socialists will have full power to crush all resistance including disarming American Patriots. Will a violent thug army be deployed to go door-to-door and grab your guns? What do you think?

Joe Biden said: “…….you don’t need 30 rounds; you don’t need “20, 30, 40, 50 clips in a weapon”; you don’t need “magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them”; you don’t need a “magazine with 100 clips in it”; you don’t need an “AR-15”; you don’t need an “AR-14”; and you most definitely don’t need a “weapon of war”—whatever that is.”

  • Weapon 2 – Weaponizing The Courts. If the Harris/Biden ticket wins blood thirsty goons will be appointed to the courts to do the bidding of the Socialist Regime and they will start by ‘Stacking The Supreme Court’ with their communist trained comrades!......outright sedition!

*Weapon 3 - Jaw-dropping! *Too Hot For The Internet* Brace yourself – You won’t believe what their 3rd freedom killing weapon is!! …this is horrible! …...keep reading - [Click Here]

Important -> Patriots across America are now arming and digging in preparing for the merciless attack on all we hold dear…but that’s not all.

PatriotHQ Is Sounding The Alarm…Are You Ready?

Listen up - We don’t feed at the Fat-Cat government slop-buckets or have a demented billionaire dumping cash into our pockets…. we are on our own, but not alone!

You are the answer. We depend on Patriots like you to help us fight this battle! We have pledged our Life, Liberty and Sacred Honor to defend the Red, White and Blue…. are you with us?

War is upon us. The truth be known the socialist thug army is well-funded, communist trained and have no conscience. Now you know why we need your help now more than ever! Good Patriots like you will win the day in the coming domestic War, but it’s going to take all we got!

The biggest fight of our lives is here... and you must ACT!

NOW! Tomorrow America Could Be No More!

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