Dear John,

Stop Bayer's new bee-killing pesticide: Donate to Friends of the Earth now!

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Bayer-Monsanto is pushing the EPA to register a new pesticide that is highly toxic to honeybees and bumblebees -- tetraniliprole. Help us stop Bayer-Monsanto’s new pesticide in its tracks: Support Friends of the Earth with a $10 donation.

40% -- that’s the percentage of wild invertebrate pollinators that are already on the brink of extinction. Butterflies, bees, moths, and many other pollinators that were once abundant are now disappearing. If we don’t take urgent action now, it will only get worse.

The alarming decline of pollinators and other insects, coupled with a rollback of environmental protections orchestrated by Trump, Big Ag and other Big Polluters, is setting us up for food security problems and ecosystem collapse on a scale that is hard to imagine.

Take action to save bees from toxic pesticides: Donate $10 to Friends of the Earth today.

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We are already seeing the impact of pollinator declines on food production. Crops like blueberries, cherries and apples all suffer from the lack of bees. Bayer-Monsanto’s neonicotinoid pesticides are among the leading culprits.

Other pesticides, like glyphosate (the key ingredient in Roundup), have driven monarch butterfly declines. The most widely used pesticide in the world, glyphosate has been linked to cancer -- yet much of the food we eat every day is contaminated with it. In addition to cancer, glyphosate has been linked to endocrine disruption, DNA damage, decreased sperm function, disruption of the gut microbiome and fatty liver disease.

In other words, we really don’t want to be eating it.

We know that toxic pesticides threaten pollinators, along with our health and environment. But despite the risks, Bayer-Monsanto is still trying to push through another bee-toxic pesticide! We need your help, John, as we campaign to stop this latest bee-killer in its tracks.

Take Action: Stop Bayer’s new bee-killing pesticide.

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At Friends of the Earth, we are at the forefront of the fight to ban toxic pesticides. Powered by members like you, we’ve taken action, made calls, advocated with lawmakers, pressured corporations and secured game-changing victories that address root causes of this crisis.

Earlier this year, Friends of the Earth and allies successfully pushed state governments around the country to ban the bee-killing, brain-damaging pesticide chlorpyrifos. Those efforts helped convince chemical giant DowDupont to stop selling this pesticide.

To stop Bayer-Monsanto’s new pesticide from gaining traction, we are pressuring the EPA to stop it in its tracks. More than 30,000 Friends of the Earth members like you raised your voices and told the EPA to deny the registration of tetraniliprole.

John, you are reading this because you don’t want to lose our essential pollinators and you recognize our ability to make change together. We can save bees and protect people and the planet we love from toxic pesticides. But we don’t have much time, and we need your help to get there.

Bees and other pollinators can’t wait. Support Friends of the Earth with a $10 donation.

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Thank you,
Lisa Archer,
Food and agriculture program director,
Friends of the Earth
