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Americans for Prosperity ACTION

Good morning Friend,

"Now we take Georgia, then we change America."

These words were delivered by Senator Chuck Schumer to a crowd of New Yorkers at a celebration in New York City for President-Elect Joe Biden's projected election victory.

These words were received to great applause and cheers by the crowd in New York, but I saw them for what they were: A promise to make sweeping changes in this country if he becomes the Senate Majority leader.

What might those changes include...

...Medicare for All and/or a "public option" as a path toward government-controlled medicine.
...Massive and reckless new spending that will jeopardize the financial security of all Americans.
...Imposition of excessive government regulations that will slow economic recovery and eliminate opportunities for countless Americans.
... pack the Supreme Court, expanding the number of seats, only to fill them with partisan judges who will "legislate from the bench" instead of interpreting the law as it was written, and uphold the Constitution.

Unfortunately, these are just a few of the dangers we face.

That's why everything comes down to the runoff in Georgia for David Perdue, and that's why I'm asking for your help today.

Here is the truth: It doesn't matter if you live in Georgia--your freedoms -- the freedoms articulated in the Declaration of Independence -- will be threatened if Senator Schumer becomes the Senate Majority leader.

This is why I'm asking for your help today. Every person in America needs to chip in to ensure that does not happen.

Would you consider making a gift to ensure that Sen. David Perdue is reelected in Georgia? If so, please use this link to make your gift securely online now.

Most importantly, you'll be supporting one of the most pro-liberty candidates in the country today. The fact is that Sen. David Perdue has an unmatched record of leadership on issues like tax reform, health care reform, regulatory reform, and voting to confirm non-partisan judges to the courts.

Reelecting him is critical if we want to see policies that will help our economy recover stronger--and if we want to defeat emerging threats like re-regulation of the economy, more reckless spending, and a greater role for government in health care.

If you're ready to do your part to ensure a reliable policy champion who will fight for freedom and liberty reclaims his seat in the Senate, then will you make your gift securely online now by clicking here?

So, how will we get it done?

For any political campaign to win, it really comes down to how effective their "ground game" is. This means, how many people are on the ground, going door to door, discussing the merits of their candidate, reviewing voting records, and getting swing voters to turn towards their candidate, or agree to vote when they were planning to sit out.

We do not want to leave anything to chance for this reelection campaign.

Your support today will launch the largest ground game in the history of the state of Georgia. It will ensure that one million doors are knocked on and two million calls are made to create and mobilize support for Sen. Perdue.

How can we do this?

Because we have the largest grassroots infrastructure in the country--boasting 3.2 million activists across 35 states. Our team in Georgia has already drawn up plans, and reinforcements from other states like Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, and others are already en route to ensure this mission is accomplished.

Please don't miss this opportunity to defend America from those who would seek to radically change her. Please consider making a financial gift now to support this effort by clicking here now.

Backed by our world-class data infrastructure, we know exactly who we should be targeting and why.

Specifically, there are two key voting segments that need to be reached, which are:


1. 924,000 persuadable voters who are likely to vote for Sen. Perdue. This is made up of about 22% of people between the ages of 18-34, who are largely in the Atlanta, Macon and Savannah areas.
2. Mobilization of highly 1,600,000 "highly aligned" voters who need extra encouragement to vote in this runoff election. 58% of these voters are 55+ years of age, and mostly live in the Atlanta, Macon and Savannah areas, as well.

It's not enough to waste time talking to people who might not get out to vote for Sen. David Perdue. It's about meeting with every single person the data tells us is likely to vote for him, then ensuring it happens.

Finally, we're also gearing up for a massive digital ad campaign--which will flood the airwaves in support of Sen. David Perdue's reelection. This will serve to reach anyone who hasn't answered their door when we've knocked on it, or answered their phone when we've called it.

We have 100% confidence that this plan will turn out the vote in favor of reelecting Sen. David Perdue. Without your support, it could fail.

Grassroots efforts have already started due to some advance funding from generous supporters, but we'll need your support today to ensure this plan is fully funded and the reelection is complete.

Your gift today will be the difference between success and failure. It is the difference between an America we recognize and the changes Senator Schumer seeks. Your support right now will make a critical difference.

Please click here to make your gift securely online now.

Thank you in advance for your love of our country.



Tim Phillips
Senior Adviser
AFP Action

Paid for by Americans for Prosperity Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.