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John, gun dealers are often the last line of defense to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands. But when dealers violate their duties, and innocent people get hurt, Brady Legal takes action. The action Brady Legal took in our landmark lawsuit, Delana V. Odessa Gun & Pawn, created important precedent and secured a $2.2 million settlement four years ago tomorrow for a family impacted by an irresponsible gun dealer.


In 2012, a Missouri gun dealer, Odessa Gun & Pawn, sold a handgun to a woman who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and depression. Fearing she had suicidal thoughts, her family took the gun away. In the weeks that followed, Janet Delana, the woman's mother, called the dealer, explaining her daughter's illness, and begged them to not sell another gun to her daughter. 


But just two days after Janet’s pleading call, her daughter returned to Odessa Gun & Pawn, and they sold her a semiautomatic pistol. She immediately returned to her family’s home, and an hour later, she shot and killed her father, Tex C. Delana.


Brady Legal, and Missouri legal partners, filed suit against Odessa Gun & Pawn on behalf of Janet Delana and the rest of Tex’s family. We argued that gun dealers have a responsibility to use great care in selling guns. A trial court initially dismissed the case, holding that a federal law blocks gun violence survivors from having their day in court. But we appealed, argued the case in the Missouri Supreme Court, and won. The Supreme Court held that the federal law did not bar this type of lawsuit.


The court further ruled in Brady’s suit that gun dealers can be held liable for shootings like Tex’s if they should have known a buyer was dangerous.


While our case has opened the doors for more victims of gun violence to have their day in court, our work doesn't end here. Just like we have for more than 30 years, we’ll continue to fight for victims and survivors of gun violence, no matter what. John, our lifesaving work in the courts wouldn’t be possible without you. Can you support Brady Legal with a gift today?


Support Brady this #GivingTuesday by Creating a Facebook Fundraiser!


#GivingTuesday is a day of unity and giving to help transform the world around us. That's why we’re asking you to support Brady by making a Facebook fundraiser this #GivingTuesday! Facebook will match $7 million in qualifying donations to nonprofits like Brady, and your tax-deductible donations will bolster our work in Congress, courts, and communities to prevent gun violence and save lives.




Creating a Facebook fundraiser takes a little more than one click! Simply click here to set one up now. Feel free to take an extra moment to title your fundraiser about #GivingTuesday and set the deadline for December 1. Once you've created your fundraiser, share it with your friends and family. Thank you for thinking of Brady and our lifesaving work this #GivingTuesday!


An average of 17-20 veterans die by suicide every day, and approximately two-thirds of them do so by firearm. We can prevent these tragedies the more that people know about how to End Family Fire. That's why Brady is joining StackUp and PsychArmor on Twitch — a free, online gaming streaming platform — to discuss how safe gun storage is a means to prevent gun suicide. Visit our blog to learn more about our event on Saturday, November 28, at 7 p.m. ET.


It was the NRA's Birthday this Week. You Can Still Celebrate with Brady

Brady President Kris Brown and Brady Board member Martina Leinz rallying to dissolve the NRA at the monthly Saturday protest outside of the NRA's headquarters in Virginia. 


The NRA turned 149 years old this week, and well, they haven't aged well. This summer, NY Attorney General Letitia James launched a lawsuit to dissolve the NRA, calling the alleged “nonprofit” "a breeding ground for greed, abuse, and brazen illegality." Once an organization focused on educating about gun safety, today, the NRA only serves to drive industry sales in a profit-driven scourge on American lives.


But here at Brady, we've always known the NRA for who they truly are. When our namesakes, Jim Brady and Sarah Brady, fought to pass our nation's first background check bill, the Brady Bill, it was the NRA who fought tooth and nail to block it. 



And their opposition to passing laws to save lives didn’t end there — it was just beginning. They spent $30 million to elect Donald Trump in 2016. In the first few months of 2019 alone, the NRA spent $1.6 million lobbying Congress against passing gun safety legislation.


John, enough is enough. The best belated birthday gift we can give the NRA is ending their reign of terror once and for all. Will you add your name to our petition and make this the NRA’s last birthday celebration ever?



🎧 Episode 73: Gun Violence and the Murder of Black Trans Women (from the archives)

Yesterday was Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), when we reflect on the lives of transgender people who have been murdered because of transphobia. It's only November, yet 2020 is the deadliest year on record for the transgender community, especially for Black trans women living at the intersection of racism, homophobia, and transphobia. Listen to our podcast with Imara Jones, a journalist, activist, and creator of TransLash, to learn more.


🎧 Episode 87: Decolonizing the Vote with Christine Nobiss (from the archives)

In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, we're revisiting our episode with Sikowis, aka Christine Nobiss, a decolonizer, co-chair, and founder of the Great Plains Action Society. We discuss America’s long history of mistreatment, firearms, disenfranchisement, and the fight to get out the vote.



🎧 Episode 14: The Danger of Toy Guns (from the archives)

Monday marks six years since 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed by a police officer while playing with a toy gun. Revisit our episode on the connection between gun violence and race and racism and why toy guns are more regulated than real guns.


We Have a President-Elect. It's Time to Save Lives From Gun Violence, Newsweek


As Requests to Carry Concealed Firearms Soared, Sacramento’s Pro-Gun Sheriff Holstered his Approval, Sacramento News & Review


How Did We Not Know?’ Gun Owners Confront a Suicide Epidemic, New York Times 

This is what turning a tragedy into political triumph looks like.  Congratulations, Debbie Hixon! Your leadership will make our schools and communities safer. Send Debbie a Tweet congratulating her on her victory!


“In America, if we are to live up to our ideals, than protecting our fellow citizens and our children from all risks and ending the most American of risks— gun violence — is the worthiest of goals. We intend to do all we can to help Biden in real and decisive efforts to end gun violence. He has been handed a mandate by the people. He told us that he ran to restore the soul of our nation. He cannot do that alone, and our movement is behind him. Let's do it together."


Brady President Kris Brown and Fred Guttenberg in Newsweek



Thank you for joining us in the fight to prevent gun violence.

We have one powerful mission — to unite all Americans against gun violence. We work across Congress, the courts, and our communities, bringing together young and old, red and blue, and every shade of color to find common ground in common sense. In the spirit of our namesakes Jim and Sarah Brady, we have fought for over 45 years to take action, not sides, and we will not stop until this epidemic ends. It’s in our hands.


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