Dear Friends-


In the United States, we recognize and carry out the results of elections. That is what must and will happen in Michigan and every other state this year — despite Trump’s efforts to undermine the election and sow chaos.


As Republicans seek to delegitimize the results of this election, Democratic Secretaries of State and Attorneys General along with county officials and so many others have fought back against these efforts. This is why, down ballot victories are critical investments in offices that play important local and national roles. And we are sending our full gratitude to those still working around the clock to hold our Democracy firmly in place.

With 31 Lost Lawsuits, Trump and Giuliani’s Legal ‘Strategy’ is failing. Trump and his allies know their lawsuits won’t succeed, so they’re trying to overturn the will of the voters. Trump summoned Michigan Republican legislators to the White House in an attempt to subvert the election and their constituents’ votes. He spoke with the Wayne County Republican canvassers who are attempting to “rescind” the certification of election results despite no legal way to do so. And, he fired the country’s top election security official, whom he appointed, for telling the truth — that this election was “the most secure in American history.”


Trump and his team know they are up against a strict deadline for the election to be certified by the states. His tactic to delay certification in battleground states has been blocked even by judges he appointed. U.S. District Court Judge Steven Grimberg noted: “To halt the certification at literally the 11th hour would breed confusion and potentially disenfranchisement that I find has no basis in fact or in law.”


This week, Giuliani admitted their Pennsylvania lawsuit was “not a fraud case.” Trump and his lawyers have no evidence of widespread fraud because none happened.  Americans see through Trump’s lies: nearly 75%, including almost half of Republicans, recognize President-elect Biden as the winner of the election. He won a higher percentage of the vote than any challenger to an incumbent president since FDR, and he won the highest percentage of eligible voters in more than half a century.


Winning the White House was an historic victory, but there is still more work that must be done. If we are to enact bold legislation, Democrats must win the Senate. We need to do all that we can to support Senate candidates  Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock  and Jon Ossoff by volunteering, phonebanking, and keeping up the momentum to drive voter turnout in January. Visit for more information!


We are almost there! I hope you will support our efforts. Because together, we are making the difference.


Yours in the Fight,




In this Update

  • Georgia Recount Certification

  • Georgia Senate Runoff Debate Schedule

  • Applying for Jobs with the Biden-Harris Administration

  • DNC Talent Bank

  • Spring 2021 DNC Internship


Georgia Recount Certification

The Associated Press has confirmed that Georgia’s governor certified the state’s 16 presidential electors today. This was after the Secretary of State certified the election results in which President-elect Joe Biden is leading by a margin of 12,670 votes. 


Georgia Senate Debate

While senate candidate Jon Ossoff will participate in a debate hosted by the Atlanta Press Club, Republican Sen. David Perdue has declined to participate. The event will proceed with Sen. Purdue being represented by an empty podium. The debate is scheduled for Sunday, December 6 from 5-6pm ET.


Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock and Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler are scheduled to debate on Sunday, December 6 from 7-8pm ET. 


The debates will be available for viewers to watch on GBP-TV,, and live and on demand on The Atlanta Press Club Facebook page.


Apply for Opportunities within the Biden-Harris Administration

The Biden-Harris Administration is seeking to build a diverse administration that looks like America.  It will take a wide-range of  talent, ingenuity and creativity to meet the challenges we face as a nation. If you are interested in discovering how you can play a role, there are several career opportunities to apply for positions within the federal government.  For more information about job opportunities click here.


DNC Talent Bank

Through the DNC Talent Bank - we were able to match applicants with opportunities in Coordinated Campaigns across the country. Following the success of the 2020 talent bank - we have relaunched in advance of campaign opportunities in 2022 and 2024. To submit your resume and interest - click here


Spring 2021 DNC Internship

We are now accepting applications for our Spring 2021 internship program. The program will run from February 1 to May 14 and be conducted remotely due to the recent event surrounding COVID-19. The deadline for applications is November 27. The DNC Internship Program provides a $3,000 stipend. Housing is not provided. Click here to apply. 


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