Dear Friend,
Tomorrow — Saturday, November 21, 2020, from 2-4 p.m. ET — the
Maryland Green Party will be hosting an online Green Party Memorial Service for Kevin
This will be a safe space for all Green Party members and allies to
remember Kevin and discuss how we can help move forward the work to
which he was so dedicated. At that service the Maryland Green Party
will be launching a Kevin Zeese Memorial Fund.
This fund will help support Green Party projects and campaigns that
follow the spirit of Kevin’s efforts in areas such as media, legal
defense, ballot access, democracy and direct action.
For those who did not have the fortune of personally knowing Kevin,
you have almost certainly experienced the impact of his work. Kevin
was a giant in the world of activism, from peace and justice to
cannabis legalization to healthcare to independent politics.
He was a well-known scholar, attorney, and writer. He was co-editor
of Popular Resistance, one of the left’s most popular sources for news
and opinion from a left-radical perspective, which he led with his
partner, Dr. Margaret Flowers.
He served as Press Secretary for the Nader/Camejo campaign in 2004,
as a member of the 2019 Embassy Protection Collective to protect the
Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C. and as Press Secretary of the
2020 Hawkins/Walker campaign.
Please RSVP for this event, we
look forward to joining with you in sharing, remembering, and planning
future work in Kevin’s memory.
With Gratitude, The Green Party of the United States