Welcome back to the Data for Progress newsletter, your weekly update on our research, blog posts, and memes.
We Started a New Partnership with Vox!
Our polling has been cited by Vox plenty of times, but now it’s official — Vox and DFP are launching a new partnership!
The first collaboration from that partnership, released on Tuesday, features exclusive polling on Joe Biden’s Cabinet. We found that 59 percent of voters want Senate Democrats to vote against any executives from the fossil fuel industry and Wall Street and executives who exploit low-wage labor.

Our polling also found that a top priority for Democratic voters is having a diverse cabinet. Seventy-two percent of Democratic voters want Biden’s Cabinet to reflect the gender and racial diversity of the U.S. Forty percent of independents and 34 percent of Republicans agreed.

And on Wednesday, we showed in a different piece for Vox some grim news regarding voters’ acceptance of the election outcome: 73 percent of Republican voters say that voter fraud allegations have caused them to question Biden’s victory.
DFP in Academia: Marcela Mulholland’s Paper on Climate Justice
We’re not just getting published in Vox — our Deputy Director for Climate, Marcella Mulholland, just got a paper published in the journal Development on the intersections between climate change and issues like immigration, public health, and mass incarceration. Give it a read here!
Data Bytes
Voters Want a Native American Secretary of the Interior: If Rep. Deb Haaland is chosen as Biden’s Secretary of the Interior, she’d be the first Native person ever to serve in the Cabinet. Our polling finds that 78 percent of voters support a Native American nominee for the position.

Voters Support Redistributive Economic Policies: Voters’ opinions are clear: they want better wages and for federal funding to be targeted to communities in need. In a new blog post, we show that voters support raising the minimum wage to $15 by a 64-25 margin — including a plurality of Republicans (!!).

We also found majority support for Rep. Jim Clyburn’s 10-20-30 plan, which would require that at least 10 percent of federal funds go to communities that have had a poverty level of over 20 percent for the past 30 years.

From The Blog
Voters Support Redistributive Economic Policies
Green New Deal Slate Victories
We Need a Clean Energy Economic Recovery
Memo: Voters Support Strong Regulations that Protect the Public
Media Hits
Biden can restore fairness to American life. Here’s how. @Washington Post
Exclusive polling: What likely voters want to see in a Biden Cabinet @Vox
Vox poll: 73 percent of Republican voters are questioning Biden’s victory @Vox
75% of Republicans Believe Voter Fraud Benefited Biden Amid Trump's Refusal to Concede: Poll @Newsweek
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