Dear John,
Save the date for Justice for Animals! Stop Animal Suffering and the Next Pandemic to benefit the Animal Legal Defense Fund. Please mark your calendar for the evening of January 28, 2021!
Join the Animal Legal Defense Fund to kick off the new year with our first virtual fundraiser to celebrate and strengthen our work to advance the interests of animals through the legal system. The event will feature compelling videos highlighting our recent successes, Animal Legal Defense Fund leaders, an inspiring Honoree, music, and other special guests.
Now is the time to shine the light on the connection between the destructive industrial animal agriculture industry and public health to prevent future pandemics. Join us to protect farmed animals, shut down more roadside zoos in 2021, achieve justice for animal victims of criminal abuse, and bring about long lasting legal protections for animals. Keep an eye out for an invitation next month!
Date: January 28, 2021
Location: Online
Cost: Free to attend with an inspiring “Fund a Need” opportunity during the event.
I hope you can join us!