
We have made tremendous strides this week in the fight to save our Senate majority. Over and over again, Raphael Warnock was exposed for what he really is: an anti-military, anti-law enforcement, far-left, Soros-funded radical liberal. And while Radical Raphael doubles down on his extreme record, Kelly and David Perdue are hitting the campaign trail and fighting for a strong win on Jan. 5.

Today, Kelly and David were joined by Vice President Mike Pence, who rallied conservatives in Canton and Gainesville. Thousands of people turned out at each event to hear from the Senators and Vice President, showing historic enthusiasm for a strong, conservative Georgia. And just yesterday, Kelly and David were joined by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) for a big rally in Perry.

See photos from the events below:
On the legislative side, Kelly unveiled her Modernizing Americans' Health Care Plan, which puts Georgians first by protecting pre-existing conditions, lowering prescription drug costs and ending surprise medical billing – all without socializing medicine. Kelly's plan is endorsed by Americans for Tax Reform and would empower patients – not the government – to make the healthcare choices right for their families.
While Kelly Loeffler fights to preserve every Georgian's opportunity to achieve the American Dream, Raphael Warnock has swung to the Socialist Left, raking in hundreds of thousands in out-of-state donations for his liberal campaign. Unfortunately for the New York and San Francisco elites, Warnock's campaign has been totally derailed by an onslaught of cringeworthy revelations about his extremism.

Just this week, Warnock continued to be exposed for his radical positions, including:

Take it from Tucker Carlson, who just this Wednesday slammed Warnock for his long history of anti-police, anti-gun, anti-military, anti–American rhetoric.
Kelly also joined Fox News three times this week to double down on the importance of defeating Radical Raphael and ensuring the integrity of our elections process. Click below to watch the clips:
Finally, Kelly released two new ads. "Relief" highlights her work to bring healthcare and economic relief to Georgians during the coronavirus pandemic. "Dangerous" showcases Raphael Warnock's radical policies that would jeopardize the wellbeing of Georgia families. Click the images below to see the new ads:
To keep Georgia red, keep the Majority, and stop the Radical Left's extreme socialist agenda, click below to donate to Kelly's campaign. No matter how much you can give – whether it’s $25, $10, or $5 – we must stand strong against Chuck Schumer and the millions of dollars he's spending to flip our state.
Please also consider volunteering to help us get across the finish line – because in a race this close, every single call, text, and yard sign will count on Election Day.
For daily and hourly updates, please be sure to follow Kelly on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. If you have any questions for the campaign, would like to volunteer, would like to request campaign signs or bumper stickers, or if you would like to invite Kelly to attend an event, please email [email protected]. To sign up for email updates from the campaign, click HERE.
Team Kelly

Paid for by Georgians for Kelly Loeffler