Register Today

Register today for the next installment in our Advocate Webinar Series, Takeaways from Tech Summit, presented by:
  • Catherine Reed (Partners for Peace)
  • Christina Foster (MCEDV) 
  • Regina Rooney (MCEDV)
Date: Friday, September 27th, 2019
Time: 1:00-2:30
Location: The Comfort of Your Own Internet-Connected Workspace

Find full details and register at this link. 
Save The Date!

Coming up in the Advocate Webinar Series:

11/8/19 -  Policy Changes in Augusta & Implications for our Advocacy, with Andrea Mancuso


Webinar Description

Join Catherine Reed (Partners for Peace), Christina Foster (MCEDV) and Regina Rooney (MCEDV) as they share lessons they learned attending NNEDV’s Tech Summit 2019.  The conference covered emerging issues in tech misuse, concrete tools for addressing it, and considerations for agencies in our own use of technology. Advocates can ask questions and help set the stage for MCEDV and the Wabanaki Women’s Coalition to bring Tech Safety to Maine in 2020. 

About the Advocate Webinar Series

The Advocate Webinar Series is an initiative of MCEDV.

The schedule is changing! Starting in 2020, webinars will take place every other month on the fourth Friday from 1:00-2:30.

Please save these dates, and stay tuned to the monthly membership newsletters and your inbox for information about the schedule as it develops. Webinars will also be recorded and made available.  
With registration questions, please email [email protected].

With questions, or with suggestions for webinar topics, please email Regina Rooney at [email protected].
Copyright © 2018 *Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence
All rights reserved.

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One Weston Court
Box 2
Augusta, ME 04330

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