We need you in this fight.  

Last night, 22 Senators, including our own Bob Casey, led by Sen. Chris Murphy, took the Senate floor to call for action on gun violence prevention.  The Senators demanded votes on background check bills that passed the House earlier this year and have been sitting in the Senate for months. Earlier in the day, we joined with partners from PA, including Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence, March for Our Lives - PA, Delaware County United for Sensible Gun Policy, and Orange Wave for Gun Safety to urge Senator Toomey to support S 42, the Senate’s version of the universal background checks bill.

We need Senator Toomey to step up and support a bill to close the loopholes in our background check system, loopholes that allowed the Odessa shooter, who had failed a background check, to buy an assault rifle in a private sale.  S 42, like the bill that already passed the House, HR 8, would close that private sale loophole. We’ve been waiting to hear what President Trump wants to do, having spoken with Senators Toomey, Manchin and Murphy. We can’t wait any longer.

Please call Senator Toomey today and ask him to support S 42 and help bring it to a floor vote!

Philadelphia Office: (215) 241-1090

Pittsburgh (412) 803-3501

Harrisburg  (717) 782-3951

P.S. Next week, we’ll be in Harrisburg testifying before the PA Senate Judiciary Committee.  We’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. We’ll be sending along info in case you want to join us.



P..O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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