Did you see the pictures from our Washington Square Park rally?
Did you see the pictures from our Washington Square Park rally? It was an incredible night packed with thousands of supporters from all across the city and beyond.
It's not new for people running for president to hold rallies in New York City.
But too often, they follow it up with an evening cocktail reception at the home of a billionaire, or a $10,000-a-plate dinner. Candidates will politely chit-chat with big donors well into the night, hearing how taxes are too high and regulations too troublesome.
But Monday, after speaking with the crowd, Elizabeth spent her night in Washington Square Park still surrounded by supporters. She stayed until every single person who wanted a selfie got one — four hours after her speech concluded.
Elizabeth won't stop taking selfies with supporters — no matter how big the crowd — because it's more than just a photo opportunity. It's about what people tell her in line, the notes they pass her, the words they share in the moments they have together.
Elizabeth listens to every one of those supporters and reads all the notes that are slipped into her hand. Because she wants to hear directly from the people she's fighting for — and she believes that's the way democracy should work.
This movement is built on the principle that no one should own a bigger piece of our democracy, and we saw that in action on Monday night.