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Hard Work & Results 
This week, the Indiana General Assembly was back at the Statehouse for Organization Day. Org Day marks the ceremonial start of the legislative session, and it was the first chance to see this session's new Republican supermajority (even larger in the Indiana House!) in action!

And even while some things might look different this session, rest assured that the same commitment to transparency and a balanced budget remain consistent.
"The key is to have a transparent session that allows the citizens and stakeholders to be active participants in it, and also allows them to feel like their voice can be heard. And yet, do it in a safe and smart manner,” said Senate President Pro Tem Rod Bray.
On Tuesday, Senator Bray committed to passing a balanced budget that fully funds schools, protects entities from some COVID-19 legal liabilities, redistricts when census numbers come in, and addresses continuing issues with health care costs and affordable, high-speed broadband.

We heard a similar commitment from Speaker Todd Huston, as he leads the Indiana House for his first session as speaker. He committed that together, we’ll continue to take what we’ve learned through this pandemic, and use those lessons to provide even greater government service to Hoosiers.  

"We will continue to promote and encourage an atmosphere of civility and bipartisanship, especially as we navigate the challenges of this pandemic together," said Speaker Huston.
As we look to enter this coming budget session, I’m excited to see the continued hard work – and results – that are soon to come for Hoosiers.

-Kyle Hupfer
PHOTO: Chairman Hupfer led a caucus on Sunday night in Lawrence, where precinct committeemen in Senate District 31 elected Senator Kyle Walker as the district’s new voice in the Indiana Senate. Congratulations, Senator Walker!
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Continuing to Build One Indiana For All

It's been another busy week for Governor Holcomb! He cut the ribbon on Huntington University's new Don Strauss Animal Science Education Center, he announced that Dr. Katie Jenner will serve as Indiana’s first Secretary of Education, and he announced that Karrah A. Herring will serve as Indiana’s first-ever chief equity, inclusion and opportunity officer. 

On Monday, Governor Holcomb was proud to officially cut the ribbon at Huntington University's new Don Strauss Animal Science Education Center. This new 10,000-square-foot space will house many of the key livestock elements of Huntington’s agriculture degrees. Agriculture is our state's calling card and Gov. Holcomb will always support Hoosier farmers and our state's ag community.

And then on Thursday, Governor Holcomb was excited to announce Indiana's first Secretary of Education, Dr. Katie Jenner. Dr. Jenner currently serves as Governor Holcomb’s senior education advisor. In her new role she will focus on supporting schools through and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, providing all students with personalized pathways to prepare them for lifelong success, championing the educator profession, and cultivating a future-ready education system. 

“As Indiana’s Secretary of Education, Dr. Jenner’s certification, work at nearly every level of education and her remarkable depth of experience will lead our state into this exciting next chapter.” -Governor Holcomb

Governor Holcomb also announced that Karrah A. Herring will serve as Indiana's first-ever chief equity, inclusion and opportunity officer. The officer will focus on improving state government operations as well as drive systemic change to remove hurdles in the government workplace and services the state provides. In addition to naming Herring, the governor also announced that the CenterPoint Energy Foundation is supporting the state’s diversity and inclusion programs and services.

“My goal is to better build diversity and foster an inclusive environment within state government and the services we provide so every Hoosier can take full advantage of their gifts and potential. Karrah will guide every state agency with her impressive experience at one of our state’s world-renowned universities.” -Governor Holcomb

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

We Need Your Help in Georgia
Hoosiers won the home game, easily. Now we need a road win.

If Democrats get control of the Senate, with Nancy Pelosi already caving to the demands of the socialist Squad in the House, we'll see a radical, leftwing agenda like never before. Packing the Supreme Court, abolishing the Electoral College, The Green New Deal, statehood for Washington DC, defunding the police, and all the other leftwing wish list items will be one step closer to happening.

This is where you come in. Can you volunteer a weekend or two for Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler between now and the runoff on January 5?

Hoosiers willing to deploy to Georgia and volunteer by making calls and knocking on doors to save our country should fill out the link below.
Expenses such as flights, hotels, and meals will be covered for trips a weekend or longer. The runoff is on January 5th, so you can go anytime from now until then.
Gubernatorial Inauguration Events Postponed
Chairman Kyle Hupfer announced today that traditional celebratory events related to Governor Holcomb's swearing in will be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Information regarding the legal swearing in of Governor Holcomb for his second term will be released at a later date.
“While we’d love to celebrate our historic victories together to usher in the second term of Governor Holcomb, the time just isn’t right to do so. It remains our full intent to appropriately celebrate the governor’s reelection with the entire team that made it possible when circumstances allow. We’ll update our supporters later as to when that might occur,” said Hupfer.

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb announces Indiana's first secretary of education
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch recommends improvements for civic education in Indiana 
Senator Todd Young introduces bipartisan bill addressing shortage of doctors and nurses
Senator Mike Braun presents Indiana's Thomas Kirsch as nominee to fill Seventh Circuit seat
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski praises Republican women for Election Day successes
Congressman Jim Banks appointed to NDAA Conference Committee to fight for Hoosiers
Congressman Jim Baird celebrates the power and resilience of rural health care providers
Congresswoman Susan Brooks 
thanks Josh Minkler for his service as U.S. Attorney
Congressman Greg Pence honors Columbus' fallen K9 Officer Diesel on House floor
Congressman Larry Bucshon supports FDA’s authorization for first at-home COVID-19 test
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth joins Bloomberg podcast on school shutdowns and virus

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