From Minnesota Family Council <[email protected]>
Subject How Do New COVID Restrictions Affect Churches? - Weekly Wrap 11/20/20
Date November 20, 2020 9:08 PM
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Minnesota Family Council

Tough New MN Coronavirus Restrictions: What Do They Mean for Churches?


This week, Governor Tim Walz issued an executive order with tough new
restrictions aimed on stopping the spread of COVID-19. This
includes banning indoor and outdoor social gatherings (but not
scheduled church services, weddings, or funerals) and sit-down service
at restaurants and bars.

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With the number of COVID cases in Minnesota up 113% in the last two
weeks, and hospitalizations up 93% in the same time period, these new
restrictions are not surprising. However, they represent unprecedented
restrictions on individual freedoms in the face of the pandemic.
Although the restrictions may help keep hospitals from becoming
overloaded, they will harm local businesses like restaurants and
fitness centers and the families who depend on them. 

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This is a time to pray for our elected leaders, for those who are sick
with COVID-19, for the hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans who will
suffer economically and in other ways because of these new
restrictions, and for hospitals and hard-working health care workers.

Notably, these new restrictions do not change the rules for
church services in Minnesota. The current rules (that churches may
meet at no more than 50% of the building's Fire Code capacity with a
maximum of 250 individuals, abide by the mask order and social
distancing protocols, and maintain a COVID-19 preparedness plan)
remain in place, but no new restrictions have been added at this
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Why? Because churches have been responsible. There have been no
large-scale reported outbreaks of COVID-19 linked to Sunday church
services in Minnesota, because churches have for the most part been
wise about how to hold services in this new environment. 

We are grateful that there are no new restrictions on churches at this
time but remain concered about government overreach in restricting
church attendance at any level. Churches are essential, and Minnesota
Family Council will continue to fight for churches to have the freedom
to gather for worship safely, as they have done since May. 

How Schools Fuel the Transgender Craze and Undermine Parents


Between 2016 and 2017, the number of "gender transition"
surgeries performed on adolescent girls quadrupled. This shocking
increase in teenage girls suddenly claiming they were "born in
the wrong body" and seeking life-altering, experimental
surgeries is made even more alarming by the fact that this appears to
be a "craze"-an intense and often short-lived
cultural enthusiasm that spreads like a virus. Unlike other crazes
that have affected teenagers in recent years, this one comes with
lifelong effects and frequently encourages teens to completely
alienate themselves from their parents and families.

In her recent book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing
Our Daughters, Abigail Shrier documents this disturbing trend. One of
the contributing factors that she highlights is the role that many
public schools play in fueling the transgender movement and
undermining parents. Shrier reports that in June of 2019, the
California Teachers Association's policy-making branch voted on
a proposal that would allow students to leave campus during school
hours to receive puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones without the
"barrier" of parental consent. In January of this year,
the CTA's Civil Rights in Education Subcommittee recommended
creating "school-based healthcare clinics" that would
offer "cisgender, transgender and non-binary youth equal and
confidential access to a broad range of physical, mental and
behavioral services."

Washington state is currently considering a similar proposal, and in
December, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles announced their intention to
open 50 school-based healthcare centers in the Los Angeles area within
the next three years. In Madison, Wisconsin, parents have fought back
after the school district adopted a policy that enabled students to
adopt a new name and pronouns at school behind their parents'
backs and even instructed teachers to conceal information from

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Continue reading at The Family Beacon

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Care for Women vs. Care for Babies? You Don't Have to Choose


Explaining why she left the pro-life movement, a writer on Medium
recently asserted, "There are only two sides to this debate: you
can be for women, or against them." The false dichotomy between
caring for women and protecting life is often held up as an argument
against the pro-life movement. If pro-lifers really cared about women
in difficult circumstances they would support abortion, the argument
goes. Anyone who doesn't is clearly unfeeling, calloused, and
anti-woman. But this reasoning not only pits women against their
children unnecessarily, it also fails to understand the true nature of
compassion. Far from being an act of kindness, holding up abortion as
the best or only option for a woman facing unplanned pregnancy is an
incredibly harmful response to both women and children.
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Protecting life in the womb and showing compassion for women can only
be pitted against each other by telling a partial story. The argument
that opposition to abortion is at odds with caring for women in
difficult circumstances fails to consider the fact that, according to
a national study, 64% of the women who have undergone abortion say
that they felt pressured to do so, and 65% of those women showed signs
of trauma. This is not kindness, but the enablement of coercion and
abuse. Consider also the countless women who experience depression and
PTSD after abortions while the abortion industry insists that there's
no such thing as abortion regret, or the women who are injured and in
some cases even die as a result of the unsafe and irresponsible
practices of abortion facilities. There is nothing compassionate about
the way the abortion industry silences these women, denies them
support, and enables the people in their lives who may be
manipulating, coercing, or abusing them. (CONTINUED . . .)

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Continue reading at
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 The Family Beacon
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Our allies at Pro-Life Action Ministries are holding a Christmas
Caroling for Life event on Saturday, December 12. Get more
details at **Please note that the details of this event may
be changed due to evolving COVID-19 restrictions. The PLAM website
will always have the latest information.
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 Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource Guide! 
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The Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences
transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play
a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 


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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts
with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and
invite a friend to do the same! 
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Click to order your copy today:

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 Support MFC When You Shop Online


Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon
makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you?

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This is one of the easiest ways to support our mission of advancing
life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota!

You can support our mission while you shop by clicking here
( or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon
Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Minnesota Family Institute.


Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council's vision for
strong families and communities through Christ. As we pivot from a
contentious election to the challenges ahead, we need your support now
more than ever. Click here to give now.

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We are grateful for your partnership with us through prayer and
financial support.


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Minnesota Family Council 
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265

Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX





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