From New Dems Press <[email protected]>
Subject New Democrat Coalition Weekly Wrap 11/20/2020
Date November 20, 2020 8:47 PM
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As Members returned to Washington, House Democrats began holding virtual elections for Democratic Caucus Leadership positions in the 117^th Congress. Over the past two weeks, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) has hosted forums with candidates for House Leadership and open Committee Chair positions. Last week, the NDC proudly endorsed NDC Whip Pete Aguilar for Democratic Caucus Vice Chair in its first ever endorsement of a candidate for a leadership position. The NDC congratulates each of the elected leadership Members and are excited to have two strong New Dem voices at the leadership table with Caucus Vice Chair Pete Aguilar and Caucus Leadership Representative Colin Allred. We also congratulate NDC Reps. Jason Crow and Brenda Lawrence, who ran for Caucus Leadership Representative.

Additionally, the nation is facing new and devastating coronavirus records and a looming expiration of live-saving aid programs. NDC Members continue to fight for their constituents and push for a coronavirus relief bill. Americans are hurting, and the administration and Senate Republicans must immediately come together with the House and pass another relief package to save lives and ensure American families, workers, health care providers, and businesses have the resources they need.

More on what New Dems have been up to in the past few weeks below.

NDC-Endorsed Rep. Pete Aguilar Elected Democratic Caucus Vice Chair ([link removed]) for 117th Congress ([link removed])
NDC Whip Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) was elected Democratic Caucus Vice Chair ([link removed]) in the 117^th Congress. Last week, the NDC endorsed Rep. Aguilar for this role in its first ever endorsement of a leadership candidate. NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) issued a statement following the historic endorsement: “The New Dems are proud to support our colleague Pete for Caucus Vice Chair. Pete knows that House Democrats come from a variety of districts and backgrounds and will work to make sure all members have a voice in the strategy and direction of our caucus.” Read more on the NDC’s endorsement ([link removed]) and his win ([link removed]) in Roll Call.

Allred Elected Democratic Caucus Leadership Representative ([link removed])
Rep. Collin Allred won his race for Caucus Leadership Representative. New Dem Reps. Jason Crow and Brenda Lawrence ([link removed]) also ran for the position. The NDC knows Rep. Allred will be a strong voice for New Dems at the leadership table. Thank you to all candidates for sharing their visions, offering to lead, and their involvement with the New Democrat Coalition.
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Davis Speaks on House Floor on Her Legislation to Expand Apprenticeships, Invest in Workforce Training ([link removed])
Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53) spoke on the House floor on her National Apprenticeship Act of 2020, which would create nearly one million new Registered Apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, and pre-apprenticeship positions over the next five years. Rep. Davis is a long-time New Democrat, who has worked on this legislation for several years.
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NDC Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53) Speaks on the House Floor on Her Apprenticeship Legislation.
Floor Action

House Passes Davis’s Legislation to Bolster American Apprenticeships ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Susan Davis’s (CA-53) National Apprenticeship Act to expand opportunities and increase access to Registered Apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships, and pre-apprenticeships.

House Passes Bera’s Legislation on Developing a Coronavirus Vaccine ([link removed])
The House passed NDC Leadership Member Ami Bera’s (CA-07) Securing America From Epidemics (SAFE) Act. The SAFE Act would authorize United States participation in the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a public-private partnership developing vaccines for coronavirus and other highly infectious pathogens.
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NDC Leadership Member Ami Bera (CA-07) Speaks on the House Floor on His SAFE Act.
House Passes Kuster’s Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Scams During the Coronavirus Pandemic ([link removed])
The House passed NDC Vice Chair Annie Kuster’s (NH-02) bipartisan Combating Pandemic Scams Act, which requires the Federal Trade Commission, in consultation with relevant agencies, to inform the public about mail, telemarketing, and internet scams related to COVID-19.
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NDC Vice Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) Speaks on the House Floor on Her Anti-Scam Legislation.
House Passes Peters, Davis’ Legislation to Advance Water Recycling Program ([link removed])
The House passed NDC Vice Chair Scott Peters (CA-52) and Rep. Susan Davis’ (CA-53) Ocean Pollution Reduction Act II. The legislation will allow wastewater facilities to more easily acquire permits to advance water recycling programs and combat water insecurity.

House Passes Blunt Rochester’s Legislation to Combat Fraud and Scams Aimed at Seniors, Native Americans ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester’s (DE-AL) Fraud and Scam Reduction Act, which would establish a Federal Trade Commission Advisory Council, creating a public-private partnership to coordinate and share anti-scam resources with seniors and establishes a permanent Senior Fraud Advisory Office. The bill also helps prevent scams targeting seniors during national emergencies and scams targeting Native Americans.
NDC Member Legislation

Sherrill, Carson, Morelle Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Access to Telehealth Services ([link removed])
NDC Freshman Whip Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) and Reps. Andre Carson (IN-07) and Joe Morelle (NY-25) introduced the bipartisan Expanded Telehealth Access Act to increase access to telehealth services. The legislation expands the list of providers eligible for Medicare reimbursement for providing care via telehealth.

Rice Introduces Legislation to Require Election Security Reports for Congress and State Election Officials ([link removed])
NDC Leadership Member Kathleen Rice (NY-04) introduced the Election Security Assessments Act, which would require the Director of National Intelligence to submit annual reports on pre-election threats to Federal elections to Members of Congress and State election officials.

Morelle Introduces Legislation to Transform Education System to Better Support Working Families ([link removed])
Rep. Joe Morelle (NY-25) introduced the Family Friendly Schools Act to examine how the U.S. can better align students’ schedules with that of their parent or guardian to improve educational and social outcomes, particularly for low-income families.

Bustos Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Encourage Low-Carbon Fuel Production ([link removed])
Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17) introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Streamlining Advanced Biofuels Registration Act to help biofuels plants cut through red tape in order to increase production of cellulosic biomass into renewable fuels.
NDC Member Action

Pappas, Craig, Davids, Maloney Lead Colleagues in Introducing Resolution Affirming the Supreme Court’s Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage ([link removed])
Reps. Chris Pappas (NH-01), Angie Craig (MN-02), Sharice Davids (KS-03), and Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) led 96 House Democrats in introducing a resolution affirming the Supreme Court’s rulings on same-sex marriages, following Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito’s statement undermining the validity of the Supreme Court’s previous rulings that cleared the way for marriage equality.

Crow, Horn, Crist Launch U.S. House Space Force Caucus ([link removed])
Reps. Jason Crow (CO-06), Kendra Horn (OK-05), and Charlie Crist (FL-13) announced the creation of the House Space Force Caucus. The Caucus will serve as an organization dedicated to educating Members and their staff about the U.S. Space Force as well as advocating on the Hill on behalf of our nation’s youngest military Service.

Connolly, Quigley Send Letter Summoning GSA Administrator ([link removed])
Reps. Gerry Connolly (VA-11) and Mike Quigley (IL-05) sent a letter ([link removed]) demanding that General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Emily Murphy personally brief the Chairs and their Ranking Members by November 23, 2020, regarding her ongoing refusal to grant the Biden-Harris Transition Team access to critical services and facilities specified in the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 and millions of dollars in funding that Congress appropriated on October 1, 2020, for transition activities under the Act.

Trahan, Moulton Urge State Department to Address Deterioration of Human Rights in Cambodia ([link removed])
Reps. Lori Trahan (MA-03) led House Democrats, including New Dem Rep. Seth Moulton (MA-06), in sending a letter ([link removed]) to urge Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to address the deterioration in human rights and democratic rule in Cambodia.

Houlahan Urges Federal COVID-19 Relief and House Passage of Her PPP Legislation ([link removed])
NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06) spoke on the House Floor, urging passage of the Paycheck Protection Small Business Forgiveness Act to expedite forgiveness for PPP borrowers: “No matter which side of the aisle we stand on, we have a collective responsibility to address the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06) Urges House Passage of Her PPP Legislation.

Moulton Demands Answers on Iraq and Afghanistan Drawdown ([link removed])
Rep. Seth Moulton (MA-06) sent a letter ([link removed]) demanding answers from Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the recently announced plans to drastically cut the number of diplomatic and military personnel currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Norcross Launches U.S. House Labor Caucus ([link removed])
Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ-01) announced the creation of the U.S. House Labor Caucus, intended to advance the needs of the labor movement, combat the issues facing working families, and connect legislators directly with unions and union leaders.

Houlahan: From Joe Biden and Kamala Harris On Down, Americans Gave Every Election Winner a Mandate via USA Today ([link removed])
NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06) penned an op-ed in USA Today calling for unity and a pragmatic approach to governing in the new Congress: “After these past four years, the country is yearning for an American government that works. And each of us owes it to our communities to do everything we can to deliver solutions that enhance their lives. We don’t know exactly what January will bring. There are still races to be decided, as well as two January runoffs in Georgia ([link removed]) that will determine which party controls the Senate. But here is what’s not up for debate: A majority of Americans were united in their desire to end the divisiveness that has governed this country for the past four years. And we, the people privileged enough to be elected to serve, owe them that.”

Trahan: There’s Never Been More Demand for Services for Senior Citizens via The Eagle Tribune ([link removed])
Rep. Lori Trahan (MA-03) penned an op-ed in The Eagle Tribune, highlighting the need for additional services for seniors during the coronavirus pandemic, especially as cases surge: “As the days get shorter and temperature gets colder, we need to be prepared for surges in both COVID-19 cases and the flu that could keep older adults, whom we know are most susceptible to these diseases, safe and independent in their homes.”

Case: Coordinated Federal Leadership Is Needed for Recovery of U.S. Travel and Tourism via The Hill ([link removed])
Rep. Ed Case (HI-01) penned an op-ed in The Hill addressing the urgent need to develop a federal response to stimulate U.S. travel and tourism by passing the Visit America Act: “For too long, the United States has been the only member of the G-20 without a high-ranking official focused on travel and tourism. This bill would fix that by establishing a new Assistant Secretary for Travel and Tourism in the Department of Commerce, charged with coordinating a high-level federal strategy to advance this vital industry alongside other relevant agencies and partners.”

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