Urge Pres. Trump to stop election fraud
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Dear John,

President Trump has been fighting for integrity of the vote in the 2020 election. The fight to preserve an uncorrupted election is a non-partisan issue that all Americans should support.

That’s why I’m asking you to sign a petition in support of President Trump and his legal team to bring evidence of election fraud into a court of law.

Significant allegations of fraud have been reported in many states, including swing states, where the vote count is yet to be certified. Valid legal challenges will help ensure that no illegal vote will count in the 2020 election.

It is important to note that there is no president-elect at this time. Only the constitutional, electoral process determines who the next president is, not the media.

I ask that you sign the petition to encourage the efforts of President Trump and his legal team to make sure every legal vote counts.





Rob Chambers, Vice-President
AFA Action



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