Thanks to record-breaking youth turnout in the 2020 election, we took back the White House and elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Our generation showed up, and now we demand action. We gave the incoming Biden-Harris administration a powerful mandate to be the most progressive presidency in modern U.S. history — and we expect them to deliver.
If you agree that the Biden-Harris administration should get to work on a bold, progressive agenda from day one in the Oval Office, add your name to our petition to help hold them accountable.
This election wasn’t just about reversing the damage done to our country over the last four years. We can’t just turn back the clock — we must provide real, transformative solutions for everyday Americans.
That’s why we’re calling on the incoming Biden-Harris administration to:
- Provide relief to families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
- Combat the climate crisis and invest in clean energy jobs
- Cancel federal student loan debt
- Champion racial justice by reversing mass incarceration & defunding and demilitarizing the police
- Protect the right to an abortion and access to reproductive health care
- Enact comprehensive gun violence prevention for our communities
- Create a path to citizenship for immigrants, including DACA recipients and DREAMers
- End inhumane family separation policies and the Muslim travel ban
- Make wealthy corporations pay their fair share in taxes
Throughout the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden presented a vision for our country that would put working families first. Now we’re holding him to his word — and pushing for an even more ambitious agenda.
Sign our petition: Urge President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to enact a transformative, progressive agenda from day one.
Together, I know we have the power to rebuild our country and put our futures on a better path forward.
Thank you,
Kolin Kearns
Deputy Digital Organizing Director
NextGen America