Please submit public comment to establish a countywide anti-retaliation ordinance to protect workers. 
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On November 10, the L.A. County Board of Supervisors passed a Public Health Councils program that allows workers to do their part to prevent new outbreaks. Thanks to all of you for voicing your support for Public Health Councils. This is an important step in an ongoing fight to reverse the heightened inequities communities of color face during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

On Tuesday, November 24, the L.A. County Board of Supervisors will discuss establishing a countywide anti-retaliation ordinance to protect workers who report public health violations in the workplace. It is crucial that they hear from you. 

No one should have to choose between putting food on the table and their safety in the workplace. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront the need for a countywide anti-retaliation ordinance to protect courageous workers who in these times have been the public’s eyes and ears when it comes to public health.
Please submit public comment BEFORE 5PM on NOVEMBER 23 urging the L.A. County Board of Supervisors to include an anti-retaliation ordinance in the Public Health Councils program.
In Solidarity,

Roxana Tynan
LAANE Executive Director

  1. Fill out your first and last name. 
  2. Click on Item 26 and Item 36. A box for comments will appear underneath each item once you click the number. 
  3. Click the “in favor” bubble for Item 26 and Item 36. 
  4. Copy and paste the template below into all of the boxes that pop up 
  5. Enter the visual code at the bottom of the page and then click “next”. 
Public Comment Template: 
Find your Board of Supervisors representative and instructions for submitting your emails using this link. 

My name is [insert name] and I'm with [insert your organization, union, business, or identify yourself as a county resident]. I live in District [insert district number] and work in District [insert district number].

California is currently experiencing a dramatic surge in coronavirus cases. We've lost over 7,300 Angelenos to date and many were disproportionately Black, Indigenous, persons of color (BIPOC) in essential jobs forced to choose between their families' health and economic survival.

New strategies are needed to prevent further closures, stop future outbreaks, and save lives. Establishing Public Health Councils was a step in the right direction, but for it to be successful, workers need to be able to speak up about health concerns in the workplace without fear of retaliation.

[optional--add details about your support as an individual, organization or business, or REMOVE THIS LINE]

No one should have to choose between putting food on their table and their safety in the workplace. Protecting workers from retaliation across the county will protect our entire community's health, stem future outbreaks, support our economy, and recover from the pandemic. 

Thank you for your consideration and leadership. 
LAANE is a leading advocacy organization dedicated to building a new economy for all. Combining dynamic research, innovative public policy and the organizing of broad alliances, LAANE promotes a new economic approach based on good jobs, thriving communities, and a healthy environment.
Copyright © 2020, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy.

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