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What American Voters Just Told Us: How the Electorate Just Shattered Populist Myths on Both Sides

by Will Marshall

The 2020 elections have shattered two populist myths: Donald Trump’s invincibility and the left’s ascendancy in U.S. politics.

Trump has spent a lifetime burnishing his legend as an unbeatable wheeler and dealer. Never mind that his business career is littered by failed ventures and six trips to bankruptcy court. Through sheer force of will, Trump always wins in the end.

Or so he wants his supporters to believe as he sulks in the White House and insists, without a shred of proof, that he’s been cheated out of reelection. In a sign of how badly negative partisanship has warped our politics, 70% of Trump’s supporters say they believe the vote somehow must have been rigged against their hero.

To paraphrase the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but not to their own version of reality. In the real world, Joe Biden won about 5.5 million more votes than Trump and a comfortable Electoral College majority of 306-232.

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Improving Oral Health Across America

by Arielle Kane

Millions of Americans suffer from poor oral health with decaying teeth, gum disease and chronic tooth pain. Poor oral health can limit a person’s employment opportunities, increase the risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, premature births and lead to unnecessary emergency department (ED) visits.



The Political Economy of the Beer Excise Tax

by Michael Mandel 

Why beer? First, brewery employment is one of the great success stories in manufacturing in recent years. The number of jobs in the brewery industry increased a stunning 230% from 2007 to the pre-pandemic peak of 2019, making breweries the fastest growing manufacturing industry.



How Apple's Latest Move Could Boost the Post-Pandemic Economy

by Michael Mandel 

Apple announced this morning that it is reducing its commission on paid apps and in-app purchases from 30% to 15% for qualified small businesses and independent developers. This move obviously has plenty of implications for competition policy and business models.

But from the perspective of macroeconomic recovery,  this commission reduction comes at just the right time to simulate post-pandemic job growth.



Nominations Open for Mosaic's First Women Changing Policy Cohort

It’s clear that if we want different policy outcomes we need more women with diverse perspectives and different lived experiences at the table.  

So, we encourage you to nominate a friend, colleague, mentor, or even yourself for the first MOSAIC Cohort. The Changing Policy Workshop will take place remotely from December 2-3, 2020. Mosaic participants are a diverse cohort of women, with subject matter expertise in economics, finance, technology, telecom and corporate governance. Applicants should be well established in their careers – be it at a corporation, academic institution or NGO – and be looking for opportunities to grow their influence and positively impact change on critical issues, from the wealth gap to health care.

Please apply today or for more information, contact Crystal Swann at [email protected]. The deadline for applying is November 20, 2020 and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

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