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America will never be the same after yesterday's historic press conference where Trump's legal team alleged massive voter fraud in certain Democrat stronghold cities.
American votes being counted in Spain and Germany? We can't allow that!
They also claim that China and other communists have control of the Dominion voting machines and are using that access to manipulate US elections.
The proverbial cats are out of the bag, and America will never be the same. It is vital that as many Americans as possible hear the hour-long contents.
Could it be that America retreated from China militarily in the '50s through '70s, lost our top missile and nuclear technologies to their spies in Los Alamos labs in the late '90s under Clinton, and now these communists have compromised our media and social media, elections and government?
We recommend that everyone review the top 9 points from yesterday's unprecedented and shocking press conference and watch the whole video if you can at this link...
Trump Campaign Legal Team Press Conference everyone is talking about except the biased media with attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis, Lin Wood, and others. (Video, Articles, and top 9 points)
We will be adding this news conference to ALIPAC's massive voter fraud tracking list. (View Here)
The ALIPAC Volunteer Team
PS: For those of you who have accounts to post at ALIPAC.us, we would appreciate you placing your comments and reactions at the link.