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Raphael Warnock, one of the two Democratic Candidates running in the Georgia Senate Runoff Election, referred to the men and women of our police force as “gangsters and thugs.”

Can you take a moment to rush a donation ensuring he never comes to power?

His statement shows how radical the Democratic Party has become. And, how important it is that we defend our Republican Senate Majority in the upcoming elections on January 5.

The Georgia runoff elections will determine whether the GOP holds on to its majority in the Senate, or if the Democrats will control both houses of Congress in addition to the White House.

In other words, they will decide if the left has complete control to pass their radical agenda, unhindered.

Donate Now to Protect the Senate!

Defunding the police is not the only crazy idea they have up their sleeve.

The Democrats have openly and consistently campaigned for:

That’s why I'm reaching out to you John. Will you rush a $25 donation today to stop the left gaining absolute control and overriding our freedoms? 

These elections will be determined by voter turnout. We are working hard to reach conservative voters to ensure they turn up at the polls on Jan 5 and vote for incoming Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

But we need your help.

For every $25 that gets donated today we will be able to reach another 500 people with the important message of what’s at stake.

<<Donate $25=500 impressions>>

<<Donate $50=1,000 impressions>>

<<Donate $75 =1,500 impressions>>

<<Donate $100 =2,000 impressions>>

Thank you for helping us reach voters for this crucial election.

Senator Pat Toomey

P.S. In the words of Winston Churchill, “We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory.” We cannot rest on our laurels until the Senate is secured. Please rush a donation right away to help Republicans win this tight race.  

Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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