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 News of the Week

City Council Gearing Up to Combat Age Discrimination
A suite of new laws will aim to increase awareness, strengthen enforcement and coordinate services for seniors looking to stay in or rejoin the workforce.

Council Education Chair: Shift to All-Remote Learning Hits Young & Needy Students Hardest
Brooklyn’s Mark Treyger wants the city to offer more in-person schooling to young and disabled kids who fare especially poorly in remote learning. The temporary shutdown offers a chance to adopt such a plan, he says.

City’s Move to Bolster Resilient Buildings is a Big Deal—and a First Step
Proposed changes to the zoning code would allow property owners in areas facing flood risks to take steps to protect their assets. But it would neither require nor fund such work.

A Look at Rent Strikes in NYC, As Housing Relief Legislation Lags
Although there’s no clear data tracking the number of rent strikes taking place across the city, the advocacy coalition Housing Justice for All says they’ve become more common during the COVID-19 crisis. An informal count by the group estimated 100 tenant groups or associations in New York participated in the nationwide rent strike action earlier this spring.

Brooklyn Beep Adams Joins Mayoral Field, Denouncing ‘Dysfunction’
‘People talk about the ‘Tale of Two Cities,’ Eric Adams says. ‘But we need to acknowledge that the dysfunctionality of government is the author of that book.’

In Episode 3 of The Check In, Executive Editor Jarrett Murphy offers the rundown on the five special elections slated to take place in the coming months, where candidates are vying to fill vacant City Council seats in Queens and The Bronx.


On Thursday, we held a virtual event featuring a panel of experts discussing the remaking of NYC after the mayoral election & the challenges ahead imposed by COVID-19. Check it out!

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Una Ciudad sin Límites

¿Aumentó o disminuyó el número de políticos latinos en Nueva York?
Así se configura la representación de latinos en la cámara de representantes, la asamblea estatal y senado estatal de Nueva York. Nueva York agrega cuatro nuevas caras de latinos progresistas y una republicana.

El plan de rezonificación de la ribera de Flushing pasa a la votación del concejo de la ciudad

Todo el concejo de la ciudad debe votar sobre la solicitud de rezonificación privada del proyecto en Queens, lo que crearía un distrito especial de 29 acres con nueve nuevos edificios, incluyendo 1.725 apartamentos y otras instalaciones.

Democracy is in the Details
The 2020 elections are easy to paint in broad strokes.
But what happens afterward will be about the fine print.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: NYC Must Do More to Reverse Racial Segregation, Starting With Housing
‘The Where We Live NYC Plan thankfully moves beyond the simplistic supply-side diagnosis and acknowledges the legacy of systemic racism. However, the plan needs to put forth bold and specific commitments to change business as usual. We can learn from other cities that have gone much further.’

Opinion: NYC Faces a Hunger and Homelessness Crisis. Here’s How to Help.
‘I know hunger is not new. But over the last six months in the New York City metro area it has become worse and there are easy ways that those of us with more than we need can move from awareness to action.’ 

Opinion: Ping-Pong is a Competitive Sport, Not a Way to Treat the Unhomed
‘We are not a gated community—we welcome everyone from all different backgrounds, colors and faiths. Living through the pandemic here has only underscored that reality, and it’s why I’ve been fighting to keep the un-homed residents of the Lucerne Hotel here on the Upper West Side.’

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