Oldham, along with the rest of England, was placed under national restrictions on 5 November.
The council's website is up to date with all the latest information on what this means for you and your families, as well as how this is affecting some of the council's services. Click here to learn more.
There's still time to get your Flu jab Flu is a serious condition that kills, on average, 11,000 people in England each year and hospitalises many more. Adults at high risk from flu are also most at risk from COVID-19. Research shows that if someone has flu and COVID-19 at the same time, they are more likely to become seriously ill.
The flu vaccination is one of the most effective ways to reduce harm from flu and pressures on health and social care services during the winter. GPs across Oldham are offering FREE flu vaccinations for eligible patients including primary school children and those in year 7, pregnant women, those with long-term health conditions, adults aged 65 and over, household contacts of people who were on the NHS Shielded Patient List and all health and all social care workers who have direct contact with the people they care for.
From the 1 December adults aged 50 to 64 will also be eligible for the free flu vaccination. You can get the flu jab at your GP surgery or a pharmacy offering the service. If you are pregnant please contact your GP about your flu jab in the first instance, but your midwifery service can give you your jab if you wish. Anyone can get the flu jab, but only people in an ‘at risk’ group are entitled to a free jab through the NHS. For more information click here.Get your walking boots on We know the options for getting out with your family are limited but always remember Oldham has some beautiful parks to explore. Coronavirus has made us all appreciate what we’ve got on our doorstep – and most of it is free to visit. Whether it's exploring the waterfall at Crompton Moor, or strolling through the Tandle Hills woodland, there's something to do with the whole family. For more information click here. Car wash owner fined A car wash owner has been fined £1,000 after he opened up – despite being previously told to close by our enforcement officers when the government introduced lockdown restrictions. Thankfully the majority of our businesses are adhering to the rules and helping to stop the spread. Learn about wellbeing If you, or someone you know, has a learning disability and/or autism, are unemployed and live in Oldham, there could be an interesting project to get involved with.
OPAL is teaming up with TOG Mind to deliver their Connect 5 training, which looks at wellbeing. For more information, please call 0161 633 5544 or email [email protected].Get up to £10k to improve your home Oldham Council has been successful in receiving funding to deliver the Government’s new Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme through its procured contractor E.ON.
Under the scheme, you could be entitled to a grant of up to £10,000 to cover the full cost of the following energy efficiency works to your home (subject to survey):
Insulation (e.g. External Wall Insulation);
Low Carbon Heating (e.g. Air Source Heat Pump);
Window and Door Improvements;
Smart Heating Controls.
To be eligible for the grant, your gross annual household income must be below £30,000 and your home must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of band E, F or G.
For further information call the Green Homes Grant team at E.ON on 0333 202 4820 (lines are open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5.30 pm) or visit: www.eonenergy.com/greenhomesgrant
Applications need to be received by 31 December 2020 so that all works can be completed by the closing date of 31 March 2021.
Let’s Talk Budget We want you to have your say on our budget proposals.
We’re looking to save more than £30million as a result of the continuing financial pressures of the Coronavirus and increased demand for services.
We’ve come up with a range of proposals to cut spending and change the way the council operates. These proposals are now available to view here.