NEW Instagram Feature to Protect Children!

Instagram has made significant improvement to address the sexual exploitation and abuse that occur on its platform.

In communications with Instagram over the past year, we have shared that survivors of sex trafficking report regularly receiving unsolicited messages from men asking them for sex or sending them pornography.

Now, users can change settings so they will not receive direct message from strangers.

Why We Are Suing Nevada

Nevada is enabling slavery and allowing sex traffickers to profit from the exploitation and industrialization of women’s bodies.

Now, survivors of Nevada's legal system of prostitution are fighting back.

In Charleston v. State of Nevada, with NCOSE Law as co-counsel, the 9th Circuit will hear the case that Nevada is in violation of the 13th Amendment, which prohibits any form of involuntary servitude.

Nevada must be held accountable for the system of harm it has enabled.


EBSCO K-12 Databases Continue to Expose Children to Pornography, Despite Claims

EBSCO Information Services, on our 2020 Dirty Dozen Watchlist, sent us a "Cease and Desist" letter. However, after a recent investigation, we found that our claims hold true, and that EBSCO's products still contain extremely graphic sexual content, live links to pornography, and more all at the fingertips of children. 

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Twitter & Facebook Must Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation Material

NCOSE and 82 other child protection, anti-trafficking, and technology accountability advocates penned a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, ahead of a Senate Judiciary hearing this past week. The hearing featured testimonies and questioning of Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, and Mark Zuckerburg, CEO of Facebook.

The letter urged both Twitter and Facebook to "actively eliminate and suppress the rampant presence of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) on the internet."

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