Governors can’t single-handedly govern during COVID-19

Ever since the COVID-19 outbreak began, individuals and businesses have taken extraordinary measures to slow its spread. But in many states, instead of working with legislatures to enact reasonable and constitutional COVID-19 protocols, governors have used executive orders and emergency powers to govern single-handedly, without any of the proper checks and balances.

This includes California, where Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive orders have devastated businesses by shutting them down or strangling their ability to operate profitably. There’s encouraging news, however. Daniel Ortner tells us that the tide appears to be turning against Newsom and his claim of unchecked power.

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Supreme Court dissents’ role in shaping our lives

We all take notice when the Supreme Court issues new opinions on the biggest issues of the day. Legal thinkers, journalists, policy-makers, and others pore over majority opinions to assess the court’s reasoning and tease out the implications for the future.

Anastasia Boden and Elizabeth Slattery suggest, however, that we can learn a real lesson in the richness and subtlety of legal thinking if we set aside the majority opinion and take a closer look at the dissents.

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