See the impact: Let's reflect on all we've accomplished together this year.

In a year of few bright spots, we wanted to take a moment to say how deeply touched we are by the support of IRC community members like you.

With you by our side, the IRC has been able to launch a comprehensive COVID-19 response, while continuing our lifesaving programs in the world's worst crisis zones.

Here is a glimpse at our impact thus far during the pandemic. With your help, we were able to:
  • Distribute funds for food and essentials to nearly 3,070 families in Yemen
  • Provide 21,894 people with psychosocial support in Cox's Bazar, the world's largest refugee camp
  • Send nearly 80,000 outreach messages on ways to stay safe during COVID-19 in Jordan
And last year, your support helped us:
  • Provide 1,756,800 people with clean water
  • Provide 1,474,900 children with an education
  • Admit 122,100 children for nutrition treatment
  • Help 151,700 mothers deliver their newborns with the assistance of skilled health personnel
  • Reach 19,259,700 people with health education services and 418,000 children with treatment for illnesses
  • Offer safe spaces to 165,700 women and children and reach over 700,000 individuals through our violence protection program
John, these numbers all represent individual lives.

They represent people like Cibel, a refugee from Venezuela, who tells us:
They represent people like Valentina, a Salvadoran refugee, who says: "The IRC transformed our lives for the better. They gave us the opportunity and strength to keep on living during the darkest time of our lives."

They also include refugee families we have been able to help reunite. "I can't describe the feelings I will express when I see them. But you can imagine, these people are my family," says Nadine, a Congolese refugee. She was able to reunite with her mom and siblings thanks to supporters like you.

 With immense gratitude,

Andrea Kost
Senior Officer of Digital Stewardship
International Rescue Committee

P.S. To read more about the incredible impact we've made together, click here.
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