
When the United States invests in clean energy, energy efficiency and infrastructure, and expands exports, we will rebuild American manufacturing and the U.S. economy, generating nearly 7 million good-paying jobs.

Take a look at this new interactive map, which gives a state-by-state analysis of where good-paying jobs would be created if we launch a four-year, $2 trillion program of investments while simultaneously boosting U.S. exports and eliminating the U.S. trade deficit:

The U.S. economy has been devastated by the pandemic. “By rebalancing our currency and investing in desperately needed infrastructure upgrades, as well as clean energy alternatives, we could create millions of good jobs during the economic recovery,” notes my colleague and co author of the report, EPI Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Research Robert Scott. “This program will bring jobs to those who need them the most.” 

We’re talking at least 6.9 million good-paying jobs and an opportunity to rebuild American manufacturing.

EPI is fighting every day for progressive economic change to lift up working people and families throughout our country. If you value EPI’s research, please consider a donation today.

Thank you for all you do to fight for an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few. 
Eve Tahmincioglu
Director of Communications, Economic Policy Institute
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