November 20, 2020
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November 19, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

November 19, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

November 19, 2020
MUST WATCH: Team shares detailed overview of extensive sworn testimony it plans to present in court
C-SPAN ? Stressing that sworn testimony amounts to valid evidence in a court of law, Trump lawyer Rudi Giuliani chastised the activist media for claiming—without a basis—that Trump's legal team has "no evidence" of massive fraud by Democrat and foreign players in an alleged criminal conspiracy to steal the Nov. 3 election. As he led the team in an overview of its evidence, Giuliani took the media to task for its "Iron Curtain of censorship" that prevents Americans from knowing the truth, saying such control of the public mind was almost as dishonest as the election fraud at issue (go to 14:40 and 1:09:50).... (more)

November 19, 2020
NEWSMAX TV ? You can't steal something as big as an election and expect to get away with it. I think today was a very, very good day for the president and his supporters and for those who are convinced that so much went terribly wrong in this election.... (more)

November 19, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Military whistleblower Lt. Col. (Ret.) Tony Shaffer tells me on America's Survival TV that President Trump should never concede an election "victory" to Biden. There's just too much evidence that the election was stolen, perhaps through electronic voting system shenanigans with the connivance of U.S. intelligence agencies.... (more)

November 19, 2020
TENNESSEE STAR ? Attorney Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. stated that Georgia may undergo another election if his lawsuit succeeds. Wood is best known for his work with high-profile clients such as Richard Jewell, JonBenet Ramsey's parents, Gary Condit, Kobe Bryant's alleged victim, Howard K. Stern, and Anna Nicole Smith's mother. Most recently, Wood made headlines for defending teenagers Nicholas Sandmann and Jacob Blake.... (more)

November 19, 2020
Affidavits describe material problems with recount, 'impeccable' ballots with 'perfect black bubbles' for Biden, evidence of fraud
EPOCH TIMES ? A recount of ballots in Georgia intended to determine the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election has come under scrutiny as multiple poll observers in sworn affidavits describe significant anomalies in the recount. The affidavits, under penalty of perjury, are part of an emergency motion filed on Nov. 17 in a bid to halt the certification of Georgia's results for the Nov. 3, 2020, election.... (more)

November 19, 2020
BREITBART ? A monitor has reportedly discovered a 9,626-vote error in Georgia's DeKalb County's hand recount, according to Georgia Republican Party chairman David Shafer. "One of our monitors discovered a 9,626 vote error in the DeKalb County hand count. One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump -- an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards," Shafer said. "The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump."... (more)

November 17, 2020
EPOCH TIMES ? A Georgia poll worker who said she has 20 years of experience in handling ballots and recounts said in a sworn statement on Nov. 17 that she noticed an unusual batch of ballots in which the sheets had no signs of use or markings, and approximately 98 percent were marked for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.... (more)

November 17, 2020
TENNESSEE STAR ? At a second Nashville-based "Stop the Steal" rally, hundreds of Trump supporters descended on the Tennessee State Capitol grounds downtown. Every person wore the hallmark shade of MAGA red. American flags waved alongside deep blue "Trump 2020" or "Keep America Great" flags. Cars decked out with patriotic and pro-Trump flags, stickers, and signs looped the capitol, blaring their horns as they passed. Some wore masks while others chose not to.... (more)

November 17, 2020
Deep State anti-Trumpers at Homeland Security say?with no possibility of proof?this election was ?the most secure in American history?

November 17, 2020
This time, 2,755 uncovered
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? A second Georgia county has uncovered 2,755 votes not previously counted in the state's presidential race, narrowing Joe Biden's lead over President Trump to under 13,000. Gabriel Sterling, the state's voting system manager, said Fayette County election workers didn't initially upload votes stored on a memory card.... (more)

November 16, 2020
'If they do a recount, it will simply re-scan barcodes,' not actual votes
CLIFF KINCAID ? Garland Favorito of VoterGA explains how vote fraud was carried out this election in Georgia, citing one case in which 20,000 votes mysteriously appeared for Biden. Favorito, a career Information Techology (IT) professional, tells how Georgia has an an "unverifiable" voting system in which votes are converted to barcodes that hide who a person voted for – making it hard to verify votes and turning recounts into re-scans of the barcodes. In the end, he predicts, Trump will win the state's electoral votes.... (more)

November 16, 2020
Share this petition with a friend!
CONSERVATIVE HQ ? We, the undersigned, petition certain state legislatures to invoke their unique constitutional authority to remedy electoral corruption in the 2020 Presidential election, and state as follows:... (more)

November 16, 2020
NEWSMAX TV ? The Democrat media establishment have done everything they can to help Joe Biden and hurt Donald Trump. And in all their schemes and maneuverings, they're willfully overlooking this—that tens of millions of people not only support President Trump, they love him. We haven't seen anything like this in years.... (more)

November 15, 2020
2,600 uncounted votes discovered
NEWSMAX ? Joe Biden's victory margin in Georgia tightened slightly Monday after the state discovered that around 2,600 ballots went uncounted in a rural county. The unofficial breakdown of the votes that weren't previously uploaded was 1,643 for Trump, 865 for Biden and 16 for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, according to Gabriel Sterling, who oversaw the implementation of the new statewide election system for the secretary of state's office.... (more)

November 15, 2020
Trump-supporting new congressman says ?it's time to get to work?
DESERET NEWS ? Congressman-elect Burgess Owens got the call Monday that he'd been waiting for from Utah's only Democrat in Congress – Rep. Ben McAdams – conceding their 4th Congressional District race that has been too close to call since Election Day on Nov. 3.... (more)

November 15, 2020
BITCHUTE ? Sidney Powell, of President Trump's legal team, tells "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo that "the evidence is coming in so fast" she "can't even process it all," and she now has enough evidence of massive election fraud involving Dominion voting machines that it is "going to undo the entire election."... (more)

November 15, 2020
?When you come to a crisis like this for your beloved country, you get more deeply spiritual, day by day? (go to 37:30)
YOUTUBE ? Anti-communist analyst Trevor Loudon joins Cliff Kincaid of America's Survival as they examine Biden's links to the Russians and the Chinese, as well as the communist networks that backed Biden's campaign in states like Georgia. Loudon says that while vote fraud played a role in the the Biden "victory," there is no question that groups with ties to Beijing also played a role.... (more)

November 15, 2020
NTD ? NTD coverage of the "Stop the Steal" rallies happening across the nation. Our reporters speak to attendees as they call for a free and fair election.... (more)

November 14, 2020
Where poll-watching law isn?t being followed, then a state?s election is ?illegitimate?
NEWSMAX ? Chair of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes voter fraud is taking place in states still counting ballots. During a Friday appearance on Newsmax TV's "National Report," Trainor said locations not granting observers access to watch the ballot counting process could be involved in voter fraud. "I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places," he said. "Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in."... (more)

November 14, 2020
PAUL SPERRY ? A curious thing happened as Fulton County, Ga., election officials counted mail-in ballots at Atlanta's State Farm Arena in the days after the election. In the early hours of Nov. 5, a surge of some 20,000 mail-in votes suddenly appeared for Joe Biden, while approximately 1,000 votes for President Trump mysteriously disappeared from his own totals in the critical swing state, where Biden holds a razor-thin lead.... (more)

November 13, 2020
Steve Mosher urges Americans not only to pray for the president, but trust that the truth about election fraud will soon come out and Donald Trump will be re-elected
LIFESITENEWS ? Steve Mosher told me today in a blockbuster interview that President Trump is gathering all the evidence needed to show massive, widespread voter fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential race. "They picked on the wrong guy to try and bulldoze," he said.... (more)

November 13, 2020
(Go to 35:02)
CLIFF KINCAID ? Ted Flynn of "Signs & Wonders" discusses the spiritual dimension of the stolen election controversy, as the Vatican and the U.S. Catholic Bishops have "recognized" Joe Biden as American president, despite no official certification of the results. What can Christians do? Tune in to learn how the forces of darkness can be defeated.... (more)

November 13, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Political strategist and Newsmax analyst Dick Morris on Friday blasted the presidential ballot recount underway in Georgia, declaring that the process is a ''sham and a hoax and a fix.'' In an interview on Newsmax TV's ''Spicer & Co.,'' Morris offered a video of Republican monitors at a hand-count of ballots in Georgia.... (more)

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