By Mark Gruenberg

WASHINGTON (PAI)—By a 61%-36% count, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., beat Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ind-Vt., for the Working Families Party endorsement for next year’s Democratic presidential nomination.
The nod to Warren is notable for two reasons: One is the WFP includes some of the nation’s most-committed progressive activists, who can now be expected to hit the hustings for Warren, especially in the party’s Northeastern strongholds, such as New York.
Second, the WFP endorsed Sanders four years ago when he challenged former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the nomination. This time around, at least in opinion polls, Warren and Sanders lead a pack of Democrats challenging former Vice President Joe Biden.
The two senators are the sole foes within hailing distance of Biden, a favorite of the Democratic “establishment,” if not of the activists. The other Democrats—including New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, former HUD Secretary Julián Castro, and Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, who were also in WFP’s poll—trail behind.
But in a sign that WFP members still like Sanders, too, the voters were asked to rank the five contenders, in anticipation of an automatic runoff that never occurred. More than 80% of the voters listed Warren and Sanders as their top two.
Half of the endorsement was based on the huge poll...