** Mental Health, the Male Psyche and Gender Justice: Lessons for Life After Covid-19
** Tuesday, 24 November 2020 – 3PM to 5PM CAT
SAfAIDS and Sonke Gender Justice invite you to this jointly hosted roundtable that is timely and worth focusing on. Addressing mental health boldly, in the narrative of transforming men and boys into protagonists for women’s and girl’s rights, needs visibility. Mental health remains a taboo, and a shied away conversation, often avoided when addressing patriarchy, toxic masculinities, VAWG and femicide, and in generic ‘being a man’ conversations. The Roundtable seeks to break boundaries of silence, to enable men’s and boys’ appreciation of the need to safeguard their mental health, and thus reduce the risk of their actions hindering the rights and well-being of women and girls.
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The roundtable will be moderated by Rouzeh Eghtessadi (left), Executive Director of SAfAIDS, and Mabel Sengendo (right), Regional Programmes & Networks Manager, Sonke Gender Justice.
** Discussants will include:
* Honorable Member of Parliament Dr. Christopher Kalila, Political leadership from Zambia (Nurturing a NewGen of Young Men & Boys who are Intolerant of Violence)
* Reverend Bafana Khumalo, Sonke Gender Justice, Southern African Region (Where Culture, Religion & Politics Must Converge to End Gender Inequality)
* Clever Ndanga, REPSSI Zimbabwe (Men’s Mental Health and Removing Toxic Masculinities)
* Lorence Kabasele, AfriYAN-ESA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Coping with Crisis/New Hazards while Advancing Women’s Rights)
* Mthetho Tshemese, Development Strategist, Masikhule Innovators, South Africa (Disallowing Violence in Spaces of Diversity & Interrogating Violence Prevention in Spaces dominated by Violent Masculinities)
** For more details about the roundtable, please contact:
Nakai Nengomasha, Programme Officer, SAfAIDS –
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected])
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