action against trafficking

November 2020

Working harder than ever


We hope this month’s newsletter finds you, your friends, and family keeping well. 

Throughout the pandemic, the world has been cast into a period of uncertainty with no clear end in sight. But we're unfazed. The last few months we’ve had only serve to indicate that the vile trade of human beings has not slowed in 2020. And for as long as human trafficking remains a reality, we will continue to stop the traffik. 


Intelligence gathering is paramount to all of STOP THE TRAFFIK's work. To allow us to understand the bigger picture, the team continues to build detailed country profiles. Not only will this allow us to gain insight into the unique vulnerabilities faced by refugees – it will help us shape a highly targeted approach for each phase of the project.   

Gathering a clear picture straightforward process, and an ongoing challenge for NGOs in the region is building trust with asylum seekers, who worry that sharing could complicate their passage to safety. Aman Safety presents a unique opportunity to spread meaningful information that will mitigate risk of exploitation.

STOP THE TRAFFIK partners with The Knoble 

We’re delighted to join The Knoble and Traffik Analysis Hub in a new partnership. Our combined expertise on financial crime and modern slavery will allow us to build and deploy systems that identify and disrupt the financial processes that enable human trafficking operations to thrive. 

Times are hard for every charity right now, but please consider supporting us to help us end the trafficking of human beings.


Built by Mike Hewett