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Trump campaign lawyer in Philadelphia withdraws from federal election suit because of threats of violence
Democrat criminal syndicate.

Days after a law firm representing the Trump campaign withdrew from the case following a pressure campaign from the anti-Trump Lincoln Project to ‘cancel’ them, another Trump attorney says she’s being harassed ...

Here Are 9 Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference on Challenges to Election Results
Below is an outline of President Trump's case.

Team Trump Election Fraud Press Conference: “President Donald Trump won by a landslide and we are going to prove it“


FOX COLLAPSE: Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon Win Their Respective Hours, MacCallum and Cavuto TANK
McCallum is taking -thank Gd as is the knucklehead Cavuto. Carlson and Hannity are keeping the Titanic afloat.

Tucker Carlson, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon Win Their Respective Hours in the Demo


Team Trump Election Fraud Press Conference: “President Donald Trump won by a landslide and we are going to prove it“
“We are not going to be intimidated. We are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who ...

BREAKING: Michigan state lawmakers have brought articles of impeachment against Governor Whitmer
BREAKING: Michigan state lawmakers have brought articles of impeachment against Governor Whitmer

— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 19, 2020

(WXYZ) — Three Republican lawmakers in Lansing have introduced articles of ...

Pompeo: US to Recognize Boycott-the-Jews (BDS) Movement as Antisemitic
The Trump Administration has done it again. Thank you, President Trump and Secretary Pompeo.

Gd Bless Trump.Make no mistake, the Nazi boycott of the Jews is the direct antecedent of today’s boycott, divest and sanction (BDS) movement of the ...

2020 Election: Invoking the 12th Amendment
“Congress has the absolute right to reject the submitted Electoral College votes of any state, which we believe has such a shoddy election system that you can’t trust the election results that those states are submitting to us, that they’re ...

Important News Conference today by lawyers on a very clear and viable path to victory. Pieces are very nicely falling into place. RNC at 12:00 P.M.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 19, 2020

For the latest news, updates ...

Rural Oregon counties vote to discuss seceding from state to join ‘Greater Idaho’ to escape oppressive Democrat rule
I love where this is going.

Rural Oregon counties vote to discuss seceding from state to join ‘Greater Idaho’

A deep political divide between urban and rural areas has conservative residents feeling ignored by the state government

A ...

Wayne County Republicans Rescind Votes Certifying Election Despite Democrat terror, threats, intimidation
Imagine having your children's lives threatened because you told the truth. That's the Democrat party of evil.

Michigan Democrat Doxxes Children Of Wayne County Election Official

Michigan GOP Officials Forced to Reverse Their Vote Against ...

Democrats “March Against NYPD Violence and Rioting” Columbus (LENAPE) Circle
LEFTISTS Marched Against NYPD Violence and Rioting 1 pm – Saturday, November 14, 2020 Columbus Circle aka Lenape Circle – New York City

[American-Indian names are the new /old identifiers.

Columbus Circle – they demand – be changed ...

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