Resist Judgement of Our ADF 

A Statement from Senator Pauline Hanson

The show trial of Australia’s elite Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) will mar the decades of valiant service these countless personnel have given to help protect this country and our allies following today's report handed down by the Chief of Defence.

I visited troops in Afghanistan for a week in 2018 and have nothing but admiration for the devotion they have given this war that started in 2001, following the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11.

Its duration has spanned three American Presidencies, seven Australian Prime Ministers, and 19 long years.

The report recommends that the Chief of the Defence Force refer 36 matters to the Australian Federal Police for criminal investigation. This involves 23 incidents and 19 individuals.

While the nature of these allegations are just that, allegations, no government or media outlet have a right to pre-empt a judgement by a jury for the actions taken during the theatre of war.

This Afghanistan war is no pantomime. It is a daily case of life or death for our Defence Personnel who must make extraordinarily quick decisions. Decisions I hope you and I will never need to make in our lifetimes.

The way this announcement has been handled is wrong and I greatly trust that the majority of Australians look past some of the vitriolic comments made towards our ADF veterans and acting members.

The Great Reset Explained in
Less Than 10 Minutes

Last week One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson asked the Senate to reject The World Economic Forum's damaging Great Reset policies.

Her proposal was blocked 2-73 with only Malcolm Roberts and herself voting to acknowledge the harm these unwanted policies would inflict on Australians.

Since then some people have been asking "What is the Great Reset and why should I be concerned?"
Thankfully, as a result of the Senate's decision to vote against Senator Hanson’s proposal, Rowan Dean revisited the issue during a segment on his Outsiders show on Sunday.

So for anyone wanting to know more or for anyone who gets asked in the future click this link and in less than 10 minutes you’ll be up to date on why Australia should reject The Great Reset.


Time to Bring Back Queensland’s
Upper House

A Statement from Stephen Andrew MP
I am calling for the reintroduction of an Upper House in Queensland this term.

Whether this is done by having an independent panel carry out an inquiry or by calling a State Referendum on the issue, I don’t really mind but we all need to lobby the Queensland Government together to make sure that something is done soon.

Without an upper house, the Queensland Government has way too much power.

The reintroduction of an Upper House will ensure better oversight and accountability of all government decision-making and give regional Queenslanders a bigger say on public policy.

According to a recent research paper published by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), the abolition of Queensland’s Upper House in 1921, has had “a lasting and negative effect” on the State’s democratic processes.

IPA are putting forward a new model for the reintroduction of an upper house in Queensland, that will work to redress the current power imbalance in favour of the State’s South East and return a measure of that power back to the regions.

IPA’s Report also shows how the lack of an upper house has led to the increasing  centralisation of power in the Executive branch in Queensland, with Ministerial decisions routinely being given Parliament’s stamp of approval, with almost no proper scrutiny, debate or review.

Not only has it made our Parliament weaker than those in other States it has removed its capacity to provide the level of oversight and scrutiny needed in a robust democracy.

Some people have tried to claim that Queensland’s parliamentary committee system performs the same function as a ‘house of review’ but that is just wishful thinking.

The committee system has neither the power nor the political will to perform such a role.

There is only one way to properly improve the transparency, oversight and accountability of government in Queensland, and that is to bring back our upper house.
That is this weeks recap from One Nation. 

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